My Asian Family: Asians Are Funny

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Case 6


Keyboard vs Keyboard

*My friend and I are chatting*

Me: "Ha.. Heaven and hell don't exist.. bla bla bla bla" (bla bla or else I'll get a slipper on my head)

My friend: "Then where does they go?"
"Do*" "This keyboard!" "Isn't working properly these days!!"

Me: "Oh.. my keyboard is working from 7 years.."

My friend: *sends a laughing emoji*

*We end the conversation*

*After a few minutes*

*I realize*

She was speaking about this:

She was speaking about this:

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I was speaking about:

I laughed a lot that day

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I laughed a lot that day.. because of this misunderstanding.. :)


Transparent Pouch

*3 days prior Class 10th board examination*

*We were only allowed to carry hall ticket, a  transparent pouch and a water bottle into the exam hall*

Me: "Exams are coming.. ;("

My Friend: "Yeah.. and I have to buy an invisible pouch too.."

Me:  *calmly listening* *freaks out* "Invisible??!!"

My Friend: "Uh.. I meant with a transparent pouch.."

*We both laugh*

Inner me:
*Wish I really had an invisible pouch :,)*


She's Not Feeling Well

*Me sitting in the last bench with my bestie*

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