My Asian Family: Family Habits

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Case 3


*A short story of a person entering an Asian house with his shoes on*

*someone comes with shoes on*

*My mother notices that person*

The End


Me when I cook fish on a pan- (inner me) "What if I cook my finger.. What if the oil spills on me.. what if my hand touches the pan or the oil.. I must be really careful when Iam cooking.. "

Meanwhile my mom

Mom: *licks the oil* "umm.. its perfect" *puts fish in the pan* *talks on the phone while cooking* *throws the fish on a tissue paper so that the tissue soaks the oil in it* *leaves the kitchen*

Me: *Iam so weak dude-_-*


*My Asian Family watching TLC*

*White man cooking prawns*

Man: "A few minutes would be enough.. as the meat must not be overcooked.. it ruins the whole texture.."

Mom: *depressed* *looks at me* Nahhhh! then it must have been overcooked...

*White man places the prawns on a plate*

Man: "Yeah! This is perfectly cooked!"

Mom: *sighs* "Look how undercooked it is! Must have been cooked for 2 hours more" [just kidding ;)]


Don't know about other Asians but I have always eaten overcooked food [I know the nutrients are gone.. along with the bacteria =)]


*Again family watching TLC*

*Mom sees this plate*

Chef: Just look at this beautiful plate! Wow!

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Chef: Just look at this beautiful plate! Wow!

Mom: "Looks delicious.. I really loved it.. but.." *sighs* "Why is the quantity so less.. I would want to have 5 plates as such.."

Me: "Mom, it's because according to them, the empty space makes it appear better than the one which is overcrowded."

Mom: "Ohh... empty space? And what about the empty space in the stomach?? Huh? I would still want to have 5 plates as such.."

Me: "makes sense" *:,)*


*Dog howls*

My aunt: "I think the dog has seen a ghost.."

Me: *sweats*

Meanwhile Dog

"Aoooooooooo oooooo"
"Goooooood Nighhhhhht "


*My neighbors questioning me [neighbors in Asia never mind their own business :,) especially when the exam results are near :,)]*

*What others see*

*What others see*

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*What I see*

*What I feel*

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*What I feel*


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*At a restaurant*

*Someone and I ordered the same food*

*Both taste the food*

Me: "Why is it not spicy??? Ah!!!!"

*Meanwhile someone*

Someone: "Its too spicy!!!"

*Me looks at someone*

Inner me: "Ya!!  if you ever die because of spicy food.. you deserve it!"

(Just kidding)


*A person asking an Asian*

Person: Are you on a diet? You look skinny..

Asian: No just had 4 plates of rices and 3 bowls of sauce with some chicken.. and two bowls of vegetables with the mayonnaise and two glasses of juice.. then a bowl of soup.. with some dessert at last..


There are many more.. but I think its enough for today.. not all asians experience the same.. but its what I have experienced in my locality.. Have a great day! =)


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