𝖝𝖑𝖎𝖎𝖎. i am back from the dead

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( volume ii, chapter xliii )

i am back from the dead


MARCH 15TH, 2018


''Due to some unforeseen circumstances,'' Kevin began, batting away Fangs' hand of comfort which grazed his shoulder. ''Cheryl will no longer be playing the role of Carrie White.''

''What?'' Mia gasped. ''Why?''

''Let's just say Penelope Blossom isn't much of a stage mom,'' he grimaced, sharing a knowing look with the blonde.

Mia nodded, resuming reading her script. Silence ensued before Kevin broke it once more, directing his words at the Jones girl.

''Cheryl's by the gym bleachers.''

''And I care because . . . ?'' She asked, rolling her eyes. The entire cast stared at her, unimpressed — her careless act wasn't fooling anyone, not anymore. Mia rose from her seat, begrudgingly, handing her belongings to Serena who the role of Carrie White now fell to. ''Save my seat, S.''

The journey to the bleachers was a short one, no matter how slow she walked or how many times she scuffed her stilettos against the gravel. In a matter of minutes, Mia was a step closer to completing the task that had been whizzing around in her mind for nine days.

''You look lonely.''

The words came out of her mouth before she could stop them. However, stating the obvious was better than starting a conversation with ❛hey, we kissed a few days ago and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, which is weird since we're meant to hate each other but I haven't hated you for a while now❜.

Cheryl wiped the tears from her pale face, careful to not smudge any moist mascara — the only thing that could make today worse was her seeing her look like a panda. ''What are you going to do about it?''

''This,'' Mia replied, sitting down on the cool bench, close enough so that their thighs were touching. ''And this,'' she whispered, drying a stray tear from the redhead's flaming cheeks. ''How are you feeling?''

''Screw the musical,'' she sulked. ''I just wanted to prove to everyone that I'm still me, but . . . maybe I'm not. Mia, even Carrie White could stand up to her mother.''

''Cheryl, you have to show your mother who's in charge.''

''I don't know if I can anymore,'' the Blossom girl confessed, laying her head on Mia's shoulder timidly. ''I'm not the same girl who burned down Thornhill and cut off her oxygen.''

''Sure you are,'' Mia assured. ''You're not done playing Carrie, Cheryl, not by a long shot. Trust me.''

''I trust you.''



MARCH 29TH, 2018


Things never went to plan; not even a musical — not in Riverdale.

Instead of a scene where Serena as Carrie White was meant to be on her knees, singing, she was pinned to the backdrop with seven knives. Crimson pooled at each wound, staining her costume. The message was written with the victim's blood, presumably:


''I don't think that's part of the show,'' Jughead breathed, the HandyCam tumbling from filming into his lap, as if it couldn't bare to see such a sinful sight.

Kevin rose out of his seat slightly, unsure of what to do. ''Oh, my God.''

''Somebody should help her,'' Cheryl gasped. ''For God's sake, help her!''

Mia, Chuck, Betty, and Archie slipped in to the side from backstage, blinking blankly at Serena's form. The blonde's face struck into a horror when she realised, her stomach squelching to the size of a dice.

Alice, who stood center-stage in a white silk tunic, turned around to see the source of commotion and confusion. Her muddled expression melted into a shrill scream, sending the audience to anarchy.

FP rushed on to the stage, scooping his inconsolable daughter into his arms. He may not have always been able to protect her, but that was before. This time, he was finally going to fulfill his role as a father.

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