𝖎𝖝. alcohol tastes better than tears

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( volume i, chapter ix )

alcohol tastes better than tears




Mia grew enraged as she saw her brother carted out of school, flanked by Sheriff Keller and Principal Weatherbee. The blonde kept her composure, immediately taking a deep breath and barking at Cher to drive her down to the Sheriff Station.

''You may go back to school now,'' she sniffed before slamming the car door, ''I'll take it from here.''

She skipped up the stone steps, thrashing the door open as an alarm to her presence. The Sheriff glanced up from a room he had just exited, startled by her presence.

''I demand to see him at once, Keller.''

''I'm afraid that's not possible.''

Mia exhaled in disbelief, catching sight of the two figures inside through the frosted glass. ''So not only will you refuse to interrogate her, unlike you did my brother, but you'll also let Betty Snooper in to talk to him?''

''You should calm down, Mia. Don't forget your roots; a kid like you, raised on the wrong side of the tracks doesn't bode well down at the station.''

''I'll show you what a ❛kid like me❜ can do to an old man like you,'' she threatened, raising her handbag in the air, ''I'm family, and she isn't, unless there is some sort of incest trope I'm unaware of.''

''That's enough,'' Fred demanded, appearing from thin air with Archie in tow, ''put the bag down, Mia.''

She huffed, lowering her purse slightly. ''Give me one good reason why I shouldn't beat you right here, right now.''

''Because I could charge you with assaulting a police officer?''

''Fair enough.''

''Jughead's not helping himself in there,'' Keller spoke, turning to Fred, ''I asked him for an alibi, and he just gave me lip.''

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