6x1: Thai Hard

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It had been an extra long shift. All Street wanted to do was sleep. He opened his bedroom door to find a figure curled up on the right side of the bed. With a small smile, he crawled beneath the sheets gingerly and shut his eyes. After taking a deep breath, he felt arms wrap around him from behind and lips lightly kiss his shoulder.

"Long shift?" Chris whispered as she pressed herself against his strong back.

"Mhm," Street muttered.

"You can tell me all about it in the morning."

"Okay, but all you need to know is Hondo is fine."

"Hondo was in danger?" she asked in alarm.
"He got into some trouble with an old friend, but we got intel from contacts in LA and Deacon and Tan found him and brought him to safety," he explained.

"That sounds...like something that would happen to Hondo," she chuckled.

Street laughed and turned over to face his girlfriend. "Remind me to never go on a trip with that guy," he joked.

"We're never taking a trip with him. I want to actually relax when I go on vacation."

"Maybe we should go somewhere. I could take a few shifts off. You and me. Alone in a cabin," he offered.

"As long as we can go hiking, I'm in."

"Deal. Let's plan it over breakfast. I'm exhausted," he admitted.

She ran a hand through his hair and saw his heavy lidded eyes closing more and more by the second. Then, Chris gently kissed his forehead. "Night," she said.

"Night, babe," he replied as his eyes threatened to close completely. He felt her reposition herself to rest her back against his chest, so he stretched an arm across her stomach.

"Street, I'm glad you're okay," she confessed, her voice a tiny whisper.

"Mm," he sounded, almost completely asleep.

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