6x2 Thai Another Day

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"Come on, Street, you're gonna be late! You couldn't possibly need this much time to style your hair!" Chris called from outside the bathroom.

"I guess it's time you found out that your boyfriend is a diva," Luca said with a smile and squeezed Chris' shoulder.

"Remind me why I'm dating him again?" She asked and followed Luca towards the front door.

"Hey! I heard that!" Street shouted and barreled out of the bathroom. He reached his friends in the doorway and put his hands on his hips.

Chris rolled her eyes affectionately in Street's direction then tilted her head to give Street a quick kiss on his cheek that melted away the tension in his face.

"That's my cue. Please be on TIME to work or Hicks is gonna have your ass!" Luca reminded.

"You've gotta get Hondo back from Thailand, so you better go, diva," Chris said while adjusting the collar of her boyfriend's flannel shirt.

"I'm not a diva! I just like to look good!" Street explained guiltily.

"Really? Is there someone in particular you're trying to look good for?"

"Well, now that you asked, I've got a date tonight with the most beautiful girl, and I gotta look my best if I want there to be another date."

"That's tonight?"

"You forgot?" He asked, sounding a little upset.

"I'm kidding!" She insisted with a chuckle.

His smile returned and he reached out for his motorcycle helmet.

"Why don't I drive you to HQ? That way, I can pick you up after shift, and we can drive to Paul's Chophouse together?" She offered.

"Any chance I get to drive your Jeep?"



"Never," she guaranteed.

"Okay, so if you're bleeding out and we need to get you to a hospital, you're still not gonna let me drive?"

"Depends how much blood I've lost and how far the hospital is. If I can make it, then I'm still driving."

"You're unbelievable," he said with an exasperated sigh. Then, he opened the front door to allow Chris to pass through before him.


Street eagerly changed in the locker room.

"Where are you going in that nice shirt?" Stevens asked.

"Date night with Chris," he replied, happily.

"So, are the lovebirds driving you nuts yet, Luca?" Stevens shot the question to his fellow teammate.

"Why would they drive me nuts? They're adorable," Luca beamed.

"Thanks, Luca! And speaking of my adorable other half, she's waiting for me outside. See you next shift," Street said to the group as he looked down at his phone. Then, he walked out of the locker room.

He felt the cool night air hit his lungs as he stepped out of HQ. Immediately, his eyes landed on Chris who was casually leaning against her Jeep while talking to a fellow officer. She was wearing a navy blue button down blouse and black form-fitting slacks. She looked gorgeous in a way that took his breath away momentarily.

"Hey, you," Chris called over to Street as he moved towards her.

The other officer she was talking to waved goodbye and headed to their car.

"You look...amazing," he said, admiringly.

"You don't look so bad yourself," she replied with a small smile.

"Close enough to a compliment, I guess," he shrugged and kissed her.

"How was work?" She asked and cradled his face.

"The rest of the team is gonna be on the next flight from Thailand. Case closed."

"I'll bet you had a hand in finishing that op."

"Yeah, and so did Powell, surprisingly."

"Don't be so surprised. She's gonna be a great SWAT officer someday."

"Sure, if she learns to follow the rules and be a TEAM player," he retorted.

Chris laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"You used to be exactly like her, remember?"

"I was never that aggravating when I went rogue. When I did it, it was sexy."

"No, it was aggravating. Sexiest thing you could be is a team player," she chided.

"So the truth comes out!"

"I'm pretty sure I made it very clear that you being reckless was stupid, and I was never gonna date someone THAT stupid."

"Good thing I got smarter just in time."

"Smart thing to do right now is get into this car. I'm starving, and I want my burger."

"Don't forget a side of broccolini."

"Of course not! That's the most important part!" She said and climbed into her Jeep.

"Other than the company, right?" Street questioned while taking his seat beside her in the vehicle.

"Yeah, other than the company," she said sweetly and reached out to clasp his hand.

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