6x7 Sequel

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Because his teammates had just been shot at, Street was trying to do research to find the guys responsible. While looking through photos a stalker had taken of the celebrity victim, he received a call and smiled at the name on the screen.

"Hey," he said gleefully.

"Hi. Are we still on for movie night?" Chris asked.

"Yes, definitely. I need something to look forward to after shift."

"Why? Is everyone okay?"

He let out a huff. "We're all technically fine, but we're working with Sanchez."

"Sanchez?" Her voice was dripping with disgust.

"Yup. He's spent this entire op pushing Hondo's buttons."

"I'll bet...popcorn or Twizzlers for our movie night snack?" She furrowed her brow while looking at her options in the grocery aisle.

"Both. This has been a rough day, and until this is over, I think it'll only get worse," he groaned.

"Look, Sanchez is a jerk, but 20-Squad is professional. You can rise above his pettiness and finish this op with plenty of time to come over and watch a scary movie."

"I guess you're right...but if we have any chance of closing this case, I should get back to my research," his finger lazily flicked to the next photo on the screen.

"Of course. I'll see you tonight. Love you."

"Love you," he replied and hung up. Then, he stored his phone in his pocket as he heard footsteps approaching.


Chris heard the jingle of keys and knew Street had arrived. She watched him open the front door of her apartment and hold out a grease-stained bag.

"I've got burgers, and I'm ready for movie night," he announced while moving closer to his girlfriend.

"Smells delicious," she responded and kissed his cheek while taking the takeout out of his hands. "Everything with Sanchez go okay?"

"As okay as it could go considering how stubborn that guy is. If he hadn't been so difficult, things might not have gotten so out of hand."

"I would expect nothing less from him," she scoffed and place a bag of popcorn in the microwave.

"Well, aside from Sanchez, the team spent the day trying to help Tan come up with the perfect anniversary gift for Bonnie."

"And what did the team of romantically challenged people come up with?"

"We're not romantically challenged."

"Street, be honest," she said sassily.

"Even IF you were right, I think I came up with the best option. Maybe, being with you has made me a little better at the whole 'romance' thing," he shrugged.

"And what exactly did you pitch to Tan?"

"I said they should just spend the weekend in bed, which seemed to me like the best option, but I don't think he wanted to go for it."

"Hmm," she pursed her lips.


"It's actually not a bad idea. Anniversaries don't need to be fancy."

"Exactly. Speaking of, I'm not working this weekend, so I think that's exactly what we should do." He leaned in close and raised an eyebrow.

"Sounds like the perfect plan. Except, we're having dinner with Nichelle and Hondo on Sunday night."

"Okay, but the rest of the weekend..."

"Matthew's little league game is on Saturday. Deacon wants us to go."

Street hung his head low, slightly annoyed that his ideal weekend plans seemed impossible.

Chris reached out to cup Street's face and direct him to look at her. "I know it's not the what you had in mind, but we'll be spending Saturday and Sunday together, which is the most important thing...and, when we're not at dinner or watching baseball, we can stay in bed."

"Promise?" He asked, feeling a little more hopeful.

She smiled and gave him a small kiss on the lips. "I promise," she spoke in a low voice while standing close to him. "Now, let's eat these burgers and start this movie."

He eagerly found his usual spot on the couch right beside her and welcomed the familiar sensation of watching her sink down to sit beside him and reflexively lean into him. She picked up a French fry out of takeout bag and chewed on it as she turned on the TV to navigate to the scary movie she had selected.

"Maybe, Tan's right, but I don't care," he whispered while watching her.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing," he responded and stretched an arm to wrap around Chris.

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