6x6 Checkmate

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Chris rummaged through the garage of the safe house.

"Babe, where are you?" Street called as he scanned the safe house. He thought he heard a mumbled voice and followed it into the garage. "Chris?"

"I'm just looking for a ladder," she replied.

"A ladder?"

"The girls want me to put up Christmas decorations. I know it's not even Thanksgiving, but I'll at least string some lights around the house."

"If you wait until after shift, I can help."

"Okay, but I need to find that ladder first. I could have sworn it was right over here."

He checked his watch. "I have to get in early to check in on Powell."

"You might need to give Powell a little space. You've been hovering a lot lately."

"Hondo said she's my responsibility."

"I know, amor, but she's not a child. She's a capable, skilled officer."

"Don't you think I know that? That's why I want her to succeed on SWAT."

"Look, I trust whatever you think is best. Now, where is that ladder?" She grunted.

"Okay, I'm gonna be late," he checked his watch again and bounded towards the garage exit. Then, he paused and turned back to plant a kiss on Chris' lips.

"Love you," she said barely above a whisper.

"Love you," he replied with a smile and walked away.


Street climbed into the Charger beside Powell when he remembered something. "Mind if I call my girlfriend?" He asked his teammate.

Powell simply nodded.

He dialed Chris and put the phone on speaker before turning on the engine.

"Hey, Street," Chris greeted when she answered the phone.

"Hi, babe." He felt a grin stretch his cheeks at the sound of her voice.

"What's up? Shift going okay?"

"Yeah, I...I remembered something. You know how Luca and I needed to change the light bulbs at the basketball court? We borrowed your ladder."

The pause from the other end of the phone meant Street knew she was rolling her eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry I forgot to return it," he added.

"And you forgot to ask to borrow it," she sassed.

"What's yours is mine and all that," he rationalized.

"That only works if you're married," Powell quipped.

"We're in a committed relationship," he explained.

"Hi, Powell," Chris said brightly.

"Your boyfriend is a real piece of work," Powell replied jokingly.

"I'm well aware," she responded, feigning annoyance.

"I don't like the idea of you two ganging up on me," he winced.

Chris chuckled. "I'm gonna head over to your house and take our ladder back."

"You just called it 'our' ladder," he mused.

"What's mine is yours and all that," she said simply.

"We're pulling into Cyber Division now. Have to check on a laptop for a case. Love you."

"Love you," she replied and hung up.

"You've got a cool girlfriend. I don't know why she puts up with you," Powell wondered aloud.

He scoffed. "I'm a lucky guy," he assured and parked the car.


Street opened the fridge in his house to grab some bottles of beer. Before rejoining his friends, he paused to admire the scene. Deacon, Luca, Tan, Bonnie, Fowler, and Powell were all talking and laughing in the living room.

Deacon was in the middle of a story that everyone listened to with grins on their faces. Street passed the cold beers to Powell and Tan, then, he sank into the plush couch to relax his tired feet.

The story was interrupted by Chris walking into the house and greeted by the group. After saying hi to everyone else, she gave a small smile to her boyfriend before easily sliding into his lap.

Street wrapped his arms around her midsection to keep her close and kissed her forehead. She covered one of his hands with her own and leaned into him- grateful for the familiarity of his muscular frame against hers.

"How did hanging Christmas lights go?" He asked while feeling her other hand mindlessly rub the back of his neck.

"All the girls at the safe house cheered when I turned the lights on. You're gonna love them."

"Can't wait to see them."

"We should be talking to our friends." She looked over at the group speaking amongst themselves.

He squeezed her tighter and rested his head against hers. "One more minute," he promised and shut his eyes.

"That kind of day?"

"Mhm. Hondo should be thrilled, though. We caught Saint."

"Finally. I know he's been hung up on catching Saint."

"Now that it's over, he can focus on the future."

"Like his daughter."

"Exactly," he agreed.

"Is this making you think about your future or something?" She glanced at him quizzically.

"My future? It's 'our' future. What's mine is yours, remember?"

She scoffed.

"And our future is right here," he smiled and interlaced their fingers.

It was a cheesy line but not completely untrue, so she simply looked down at their joined hands and gave him the slightest nod in agreement. A small gesture he noticed and appreciated, because being on the same page about their relationship was something he loved.

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