Living in L.A.

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~~~~~~skeppys pov~~~~~~~

People often ask me how is it like being famous? Living in L.A.? Having so many friends and fans caring about you?

Honestly, it's more lonely than you would think.
My friends don't ever hang out with me because, well none of them live in L.A. I sit in my room filming minecraft videos all day,the worst part about that is no one is viewing my videos anymore.

Honestly it's only been a few months and I want to go back to we're I used to live

I've been barley surviving. I need to go outside again I haven't went outside for a few weeks..definitely not good for my health..

I'm really not sure how much longer I can do this for. Each day gets harder and harder. So hard to the point where I've thought of just killing myself,but that would be stupid.

I could always call/text one of my friends. it wouldn't fulfill the need of a actual irl friend,But it would work for now.

So that's what I did.

Calling Vincent

"Hey Zak! What's up?"

I really didn't know how to answer that I haven't been doing anything really.."Er..idk nothing really."

"Oh how come?" Vin asks "well, idk since I've moved here it's been really boring not having any friends to talk to.."

"I thought you had a lot of friends aren't you always bragging about how many friends you got?" He asks in his heavy French accent.

"Well yeah, butttttt it's no fun when you can't see them in real life" I plead.

"I understand that surprisingly I haven't seen my friends for a week or so."

I haven't seen mine in forever..but I don't wanna be a burden so I just decided to feel bad for him instead.

"Oh sorry Vinny..That's a long time without a friend I guess." I say with Hiding my sadness.

"Yeah it's been rough,but I'm surviving you know!" Vincent says trying to lift the mood.


I needed to survive. I couldn't leave I know I don't know them in real life,but I still need to be their for my friends and fans.

I have to keep going.

~~~~~~~~~~Time skip a few days~~~~~~~~~~

That's exactly what I did. I kept going ignoring all my problems. I kept telling myself "I got this"
Even though I really didn't believe it but somehow it helped.

Things didn't really get better though. My videos kept flopping no matter how much effort I put into them. I don't really know why either people keep commenting, "Awesome video skeppy!" Or "This was awesome skep!"

You know positive things,but never what's so bad that makes people not want to watch my videos.

Right now I just try to forget about it and have positive thoughts,but really those thoughts of death never really go away.

For now I'll try not to give in..


A/N- sorry for the short chapter I promise not every chapter will be this short I didn't want to give away to many things in just the first chapter so it kinda stretched out

534 words

Pizza man <3 (skephalo)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon