Chapter 2

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     "Hello?!" I called out, I was in a pitch-black room I didn't recognize, maybe the scientists had finally had enough and locked me somewhere much deeper than the basement. I tried finding my way out but only stumbled on a mirror, I looked at my reflection and noticed my eyes were glowing. My once dull grey eyes were now a bright silver, no Ki ever changed eye colour.

"Lily," my reflection called out and I jumped back It then proceeded to walk out of the mirror.

"What's happening?" I asked, and it smiled.

"I'm you, but not the you that you know," it said, and I looked at it confused. "I'm Avi."

"How can we be the same person if we have different names, are you my telepathic twin?" I said and she chuckled.

"No, but you are way more powerful than any other Ki that ever existed," Avi said.

 Like a chosen one?
"Yes and no," Avi said.

"You can read my mind?" I asked.

"I'm part of your mind, your thoughts are my thoughts," she explained.

"How come I can't hear your thoughts?" I asked and she chuckled again.

"Because I don't want you to."


"I need you to do something for me," Avi said with sudden panic in her voice,


"I need you to wake up and reach for me," she said with sudden panic in her eyes.

"Wake up and reach for you, how am I supposed to do that?"

"Lily, we're in grave danger. I can only protect you if you're awake," she said grabbing my shoulders.

"Protect me from what?"

"Lily, wake up!" with that, I felt a jolt of electricity course through my veins. I shot up from my bed to see Anna above me.

"Finally," she said. "We have to go."

"Go where?" I asked.

"Follow me," she said.

"What's going on Anna?" I asked again as I got off my bed.

"I'll explain later, just follow me," I sighed and followed out of my room, the one well-lit hallway was only illuminated by the glow of the red danger lights.

"We got those on the upper level out, we're the only ones left," Ryder said as he met up with us. The others approached us, bruises covering their body.

"Are you guys, okay?" I asked but they just shrugged.

"So, it's only the six of us left?" they all nodded. The basement housed all Level 5 Ki's; Ryder the Fire Ki, Leah the Water Ki, Flora the Nature Ki, Amy the Wind Ki, Anna the Mind Ki and me the unknown Ki.

"Why are we the only ones left?" I asked when a roar echoed through the hall.

"It's getting closer!" Anna yelled tugging me along.

"What's getting closer?" why was no one answering my questions, we just kept running until we came up to a vent, and the rest started helping themselves into the vent.

"A beast broke into the lab and destroyed everything, even the computers controlling our bracelet," I looked at my wrist, I never noticed. "Randy came down to warn us, Ryder and the rest went up to free the other Ki's while I was tasked with waking you up," Anna got into the vent, and then I did. I shut it and we started crawling through the vent.

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