Chapter 5

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I looked over the balcony that Ryder and I had been on yesterday, staring into the star-filled sky. Avi wouldn't let me go to sleep; every time I did, she would shock me.

I took a deep breath and let my energy flow out. "You're getting good at this," she said, sitting on the railing.

"Get down from there. You'll fall and die."

"Even if I fell, I won't die. I can't die."

"Why not?"

"I look like I have a physical body, but I'm only a representation of your energy, and you can't destroy energy. If I fell, I would merely return, but the impact would hurt you."

"So I'd feel your pain?"


"Why am I still awake?"



"I'm going to teach you a trick," she held out her palm, conjuring a ball of light.

"That's easy."

"It does look easy, but it's a little more complicated than it seems," the ball of light diminishing.

I held out my palm, envisioning a small ball of light forming. It felt like a thousand sparks dancing on my palm before a small ball of light appeared on my palm.

"Why exactly is this complicated?" I turned to Avi, who had a smirk on her face.

"You might want to pay attention to it," I looked back at my palm to see that the light was growing. I tried envisioning the ball shrinking, but it didn't work.

"How do I stop it?!" I said frantically.

"Not so loud; you'll wake everyone up," I stared at her in disbelief.

"I could not care less right now. Just tell me how to stop it," It was the size of a basketball.

"Stop overreacting. Imagine it flowing into you," I did as she said and watched as it dissipated.

"This is why we are not currently bonded."

"Why did it keep growing?"

"Because you allowed it to."

"I didn't tell it..."

"No excuses."

"So this was the big training that required me to become sleep-deprived?"


"Then what is it?"

"I need to see how far out you can project me."


"Just do it. Into the woods."

I closed my eyes and pushed Avi's energy far away from me; it was very strange because it was like I was physically in the woods. "How is this possible?" I said to myself.

"How is what possible?" My eyes sprang open, and I turned to see Ryder.

Avi's voice rang in my head, You can't tell him.

"That I'm able to enjoy the night breeze and look at the stars," It was the truth; I was so glad to be out of the basement.

"Me too."

Come find me.

"Find you?" I asked.

This is your real training. Find me.

"I have to go," I said to Ryder.

"That's too bad. I was hoping we could chat a little."

"Chat a little? As far as I knew, he never liked me, "Ever since we got here, you've been acting weird. Is everything alright?"

"I just feel lighter."

"I think you need to see Dr. Rena again," I said, walking past him. As much as I was glad to see him acting nicer towards me, it was very unnerving.

I rushed outside, and then my real task began; it would take me hours to search for her. It was really cold, and I didn't have a coat. I spent a few minutes just wandering around before I had an idea. I closed my eyes, holding on to Avi's energy.

"That's cheating."

"You didn't specify how I should find you."

"Fair point."

I opened my eyes, activating my night vision, and followed the feel of Avi's energy. The minute I got to her, she beamed at me. "I'm so proud of you!" She squealed.

"I'm so glad you're proud of me," I said sarcastically. "Especially since you made me come out in this cold."

"That was on purpose, and I wanted to be sure of something," she said as she started towards the pack house.

"Sure of what?"

Avi stopped and turned, "Lily, how do you feel right now?"

"How do I feel?"

"You just complained about how cold it is, but you're not shivering," It took a minute to realize what she said was true.

"Great. I'm developing hypothermia."

"Did you ever shiver?" I didn't.

"Maybe it's just not that cold."

"Yes, it is."

"So, what exactly does this prove?"

"You're not curious as to how you can stand the cold?"

"Just tell me."

"We're designed to be warriors. Night vision is only one of our many abilities."


"Abilities like shockwave?" I asked.

"Shockwave is just a manipulation of our power. Abilities are the extras. Night vision is one of them."

"How many?"

"A lot, but most don't appear until much later. I lived a long time, but I didn't manifest all of them."

"You're dead?"

"Yes," she started towards the pack house again, "C'mon I'm tired, let's go to bed."

"I need more answers!" I called after her.

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