Chapter 3

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"What did you do?!" I yelled as I tried to lunge for Leah. Arms encircled my waist.

"She'll be useless to us if you kill her," Ryder whispered into my ear. Sending chills through my body.

"Let me go," I demanded.

"Only if you promise not to hurt her," he replied.

"What are you, her boyfriend?!" I responded, trying to wiggle my way out of his grasp, but it only made him tighten his grip.

"No, but if we want to get to the bottom of this,  we need her alive," he said, and I sighed. 

"You can let me go now," I said, and he removed his arm. I walked towards Leah slowly, fear evident in her eyes.

"What happened?" Ryder asked.

"It was an ambush. I scanned the surroundings and didn't see anything, but when we came out, it attacked us," she said, tears streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry Lily. I know how close you and Anna are."

"Why did you lie to me?" I asked. Leah looked at me confused.

"Lie? I ..."

"I don't know about you guys, but I don't feel safe here. The beast could come for us any moment," Flora spoke up. I sighed. She was right we needed to find shelter.

"First we have to get Leah medical attention," Amy said. Leah's body was littered with bruises just like the beast when my shockwave had sent him flying across the room and glass shards cutting it.

"Lily!" I turned to see Randy running towards us, part of his shirt shredded. "What happened?"

"We'll explain later but Leah needs medical attention, ASAP," Amy said.

"There should be a first aid kit in the van," Rand said.

Amy raised an eyebrow at him. "The same van that's parked in the basement garage?" she said in disbelief. "There's no way I'm dragging my ass down there."

"That would be the case if I didn't take it out for repairs and parked it at the main entrance," he said.

"You could have led with that," Amy said, slapping him on the arm. The main entrance wasn't far off from where we were, ten minutes later we were loading into the van.

"I'll start up the van, the first aid kit is in the back," Randy said.

"Where are we going to stay?" I asked, I didn't know whether I was sadder about Anna being captured or leaving the only home I had for the second time. Sure, the Observatory wasn't that kind to me, but it provided me with a safe space.

"I have a friend who has a house deep in the woods," Randy answered.

"So, you plan to ask a bunch of humans to help us Ki's, the same Ki's they view as wild animals?" Ryder said. He was at the back with me while Flora and Amy tended to Leah's wounds.

"They're not exactly humans."

"What?" We chorused.

"Ki's aren't the only supernatural in the world. They're just the most exotic and easiest to capture and control," Randy explained as we turned into a dirt path, we were far away from the city now.

"They know who we are?" I asked.

"If you mean do they know you're Ki's then yes," Randy said.

They're probably werewolves. Avi said

Werewolves are fictional, they don't exist. I replied.

Ryder can create fire in his palms, Leah can control water, Anna can control minds and you honestly believe that werewolves aren't real.

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