Chapter 6

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"Again!" Another night, another set of training. I've been conjuring my ball of light for the past two hours, still unable to regulate its size.

"This is a basic concept. If you can't handle this, then you'll never be able to achieve maximum power."

"I'm trying my best, but it won't stay still."

"Lily, I need you to focus on the energy flowing from you," she said, pacing around me. We were deep in the woods. I didn't know how deep, but I know we walked for an hour.

"Why can I maintain your energy but not the ball?" I said, dropping my arms from exhaustion.

"I'm doing the heavy lifting here. I can sustain my energy; you just need to separate yours from mine."

"I'm trying my best, it's like it has a mind of its own."

"But you're its brain. Imagine your energy as a tank of water, and the little ball is the water dripping from a tap. You control how much water gushes out."

"I feel like such a disappointment. My best friend is in trouble, and I can't even conjure a ball of light," I said, sinking to the floor

"You're not a disappointment, you're just learning. Trust me once you can do this, the rest will be easy," she said, sitting next to me.

"How was your training like?" I asked. She froze.

"I'm just glad you got a taste of childhood, even if it wasn't all rainbows. You made connections. Me? I was built for one thing: commanding an army. My training started so early, I never got the chance to know anyone."

"So, no friends or love for you?" she shook her head.

"Nope. Strictly forbidden."

"What about me?"

"You're different, but your gig is the same as mine.  A war is imminent, and you must be powerful enough to lead your army," she declared, rising to her feet.

"You still haven't told me what arm. . ."

"Enough with the chit-chat; let's get back to training."


I wandered through the strange mist. it felt like I was dreaming, but I was aware of every step I took.

"You've had plenty of time," I heard a voice say. 

"But she isn't ready." Avi?

"Enough!" I felt it before I saw them, the immense pressure of power.

"Pardon me for my actions, my goddess. But Lily is far from ready," that was definitely Avi's voice.

"Your actions are not pardoned Avianna. The only reason I have not punished you is because of your role," goddess? What kind of dream was this?

"Avi?!" she turned, probably shocked to see me here. The other woman with her was responsible for the immense pressure, the energy she radiated was pure.

"Lily?!" she said, rushing over to me. "How'd you get here? Never mind that; you have to go right now," she said with urgency.

"Nonsense, Avianna." The woman said. " I would like to see my child, blessed with the honour of fulfilling my deed, come, my child," she said, stretching out her hand.

"Lily, I need you to wake up."

"Avianna, you are treading on thin ice.  Child come to me!"

"Lily, wake up," she said, shaking me vigorously.

"How dare you disobey me!" then everything went white.


My eyes shot open, my heart beating fast and I was vaguely aware of my surroundings. "Lily?! Are you okay?" I barely registered the voice.

Avi. Who was that?  I was met with no response.

"Lily, are you okay," the voice again. I felt a hand on my cheek and I saw Damien looking at me intently.

"I'm fine," I replied, removing his hand from my cheek. "Why are you even here?" 

"I was walking past your room when I heard you talking, but it wasn't English. So I decided to check it out, your eyes were wide open and glowing, and you were speaking gibberish," just like when Anna tried waking me up.

"I need to speak to your mother," I said jumping off the bed.

"She's in the study.  Why do you need to see her?"

"It's really important," I said, heading towards the door.

"Are you alright?" he asked again.

"Yeah. Thanks for caring."

I headed to the common room where Emily and her husband sat. "Lily, how may I help you?" she asked.

"I need to know if you have any records of the Ki that helped your grandmother."

"If any records were taken, it would be in the library.  But I have to warn you, the war was over 300 years ago, and most of the records may not be readable anymore."

"I understand."

"I'll have Damien take you there later today. After you've freshened up and had something to eat, you look like someone was trying to kill you."

After having my bath and breakfast, Damien led me to the library. "You still haven't told me what you're looking for?" he said, as we walked through the library doors.

There was this feeling in my chest, one that made me want to spill my guts to him but I decided not to act on it. "Your mother told me I reminded her about the Ki that helped your great-grandmother, how she didn't look like a Ki. I thought that there was a chance I could find clues about what I truly am," we went down a flight of stairs into a dark room.

"This is the archive," Damien said, switching on the light. "The files you're looking for would towards here," he said, leading me down an aisle.

"Here it is," he said, handing me a dusty journal. "You can start on that while I search for any more. If there is I'll send it up to your ro..." I hugged him, the sudden embrace made him flinch but after a few moments the tension left and he hugged me back.

"Thank you so much, Damien," I said, releasing him from the hug.

"No problem, Lily. You better get going," I beamed at him, rushing to my room so I could start on the journal. I jumped on my bed, not even bothering to shut the door properly. I stared at the journal, opening the first page.

Property of  Mirabelle Blue

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