Chapter 4

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Sunlight pouring through the windows woke me up, and I regretted not having closed them last night. Ryder and I talked for a while before he suggested we get some sleep. At first, I ended up staying on the floor but when my body started to ache, I gave in and went to bed

"Lily?" Damien said with a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I responded. I couldn't muster the energy to stand.

"You okay?"  he asked as he entered.

"Yep," I replied as I continued to stare at the ceiling.

"You sure?"

"I am," I sat up and saw a shirtless Damien.

"Are you allergic to shirts?" 

"I thought you would appreciate the work of beauty that has been bestowed upon me," he said pointing to his abs.

"I'm not one for appreciating beauty," I replied.

"It's obvious since you haven't once commented on how handsome I am," A smirk appeared.

"That's because I'm not interested. Go meet Amy, I'm sure she'll adore you."

"Done that, playing with you is more fun."

"What do you want Damien?" I said in a cold tone.

"Is that how you speak to your host? I'm quite offended," he said putting a fist on his chest, feigning hurt.

"That's because I've never been a guest, I've only been a prisoner," I replied. I knew he was trying to be playful but wasn't in the mood.

His eyes widened in response, he removed his hand from his chest and ran it through his hair, "I'm sorry," he said sincerely, and I nodded.

"Never mind, what do you want?"

"Oh, mum said to come to check whether you were awake and to tell you that breakfast is ready," my stomach growled at the mention of food.

"What about the rest?"

"They're all downstairs apart from Ryder, but the problem is I don't know where he is."

"Well, I haven't seen him," I didn't want to mention my late-night chat with him.

"Well, I'm going to look for him while you get dressed and head down for breakfast."

"Umm..., Damien I don't have any clean clothes. By any chance do you..."

"Mother requested clean clothes, they will be here shortly," he said as he left, closing the door behind him and I resumed my staring contest with the ceiling. Moments later, someone knocked on the door, this time I stood up to open the door and saw the two omegas who had escorted me to my room.

They bowed their heads and said nothing as one dropped a pile of clean clothes on the dresser and went into the bathroom while the other began to help me undress. "What's your name?" she didn't answer as she finished helping me undress leading me to the bathroom.

A marvellous scent engulfed me as I stepped into the bathroom, I stepped into the bathtub while they left a towel nearby. I relished the feeling of the warm water lapping against my skin, submerging myself in the water, my hair floating above me. I took my time scrubbing off the dirt and when I decided I was clean enough I stepped out of the bathtub wrapping myself up. I walked back into the bedroom and put on the clothes they had laid down for me, a pair of black leggings and a sweatshirt.

Can we hurry up, I'm starving.  I'd already forgotten about Avi.

Good morning to you too.

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