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"Coffee jelly" = normal speaking
"Coffee jelly" = saiki speaking
"Coffee jelly" = thinking

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Kusou pov

3 days later me and N/n are chilling at mine. Y/n is trying to go to sleep. She had a nightmare, she wont tell me what it is about only that it kept her up all night. So right now, N/n is dozing off.

After 12 minutes, I realized there was a letter on my desk.

Mini time skip (after reading letter)

After I read the letter, I heard noises coming from down stairs. Thats when a purple hair guy came in my room. "So you're the Pshsycic I have heard about. " I looked at him before I replied. "And who did you here this from?"  He looks confused as if I spoke a different language. "Didn't I explain it to you, on the letter?" "No, you didnt."

Then he explained how he could see ghosts. "Please teach me to use x-ray vision." I knew it was for something dirty. "And what are you actually using it for?" I say with no expression. "OKAY, I JUST WANT TO SEE GIRLS THROUGH GIRLS CLOTHING, IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR?"

I could hear moving from the bed. I grabbed his mouth and pointed at the bed. That's when he realized that Y/n was in the bed. "Oi, why is this chick in your bed?" He points at N/n. "She had a nightmare so she's sleeping here, for the day." As we look away from the bed we begin chatting again.

"Come on master, please just teach me?" I replied with a simple "no."  That's when I felt a pull on my sleeve. "Kuu, who is this." She slowly and weakly points at Toriska. "Omg, this girl is such a hottie, But shes also cute." I cringed at his thoughts. N/n was looking at me waiting for an answer. "This is Rei Toritska."  She then looked at Toritska. She did a 90° bow. "Sorry for not introducing my self eariler, My name is Y/n L/n."

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Toritska pov

As the girl bowed, her boobs jiggled a bit. My mouth was open. "Sorry for not introducing my self earlier, My name is Y/n L/n." I could see she was still tired, but was trying to be enthusiastic. "So, L/n, what's your relationship with saiki?" I asked to see if she wasn't dating him. "Kuu? He's my best friend." She jumped onto saiki and pressed her boobs against his chest.

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Kusou pov

N/n jumped onto me and pressed her breasts against me. I don't think she did it on purpose. But Y/n just has big breasts. (Sorry if you don't have big ones, let's just pretend you do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) But despite her doing it unintentionally, I could still feel my blood heat up. However I kept my cool. "Aren't you still tired?" She nods slowly. "Can I go back to sleep?" I pick her up and put her in my bed.

I then look at Toritska who's drooling over her. "Stay away from her. Y/n's parents are dangerous dont do any funny business." I warned him. "Chill, I won't do anything." “I just want to see her boobs jiggle one more time” He slowly tried to touch Y/n's breasts, I obviously slapped his hand away.

My 'best friend' Kusou Saiki X Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now