Chapter 3 ~

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Thank you to everyone who has read/voted and commented so far. You’re all amazing. Keep it up guys! A little bit of bonding time for the boys in this Chapter, enjoy! :D


Harry's POV

I haven't spent much time with the lads over the last few weeks, especially Lou seeing as he was always over at Eleanor's place,  so I thought I'd take them out bowling today for a bit of fun. We used to go once a week anyway.

 During breakfast I had texted Liam to gather Niall and Zayn and meet us out the front in about an hour, so we could travel to the bowling alley in the one car. Louis had ventured upstairs to get dressed and do whatever else he needed to do while I stayed in the kitchen washing dishes, even though Louis is a messy person at times I do like to have a bit of cleanliness around the house. I had the dishes done in about 10 minutes so I decided to go get ready myself, I didn't take as long as Lou to get ready. As I passed by his bedroom door I heard the music Lou had on, it was one of our songs, I peeked through the gap in the door to see Lou dancing around and using a hairbrush as a microphone as he belted out the lyrics to our song, I silently chuckled as I made my way into my bedroom.

I threw on a pair of my crème coloured Chinos with a plain white shirt, I rummaged through my wardrobe until I found my famous navy blue blazer. I smiled to myself as I slipped my arms into the holes. Lou loved it when I wore this outfit. To top off my brilliant choice of clothing I slipped on a pair of white Converse and a black beanie to keep my head warm.

The lads and I arrived at the bowling alley within no time at all, luckily it wasn't very busy, we didn’t want the fans mobbing us when we were meant to be hanging out. We changed from our regular shoes into a pair of bowling shoes that they alley had supplied and we typed our names into the computer. Niall wanted to be first, and being the little leprechaun he is we let him have it his way. Louis was second followed by Liam, Zayn and then myself. Why I always have to go last beats me. I don’t mind though, the thing that matters is that I'm here having an enjoyable day with the 4 best friends anyone could ask for.

We had played our first game of bowling and to my surprise Louis had won that game, usually he comes either second last or last. It was good to see him win a game though, it had lifted his spirits tremendously.

Louis' POV

Do you know how great it is to win your first game of bowling? Well you probably do but I hadn't known what it was like until now. I had won my first game of bowling by 15 pins, yahoo! I was ecstatic, Harry must of picked up on this because he was studying my features as I was jumping around excitedly, he liked to see me happy and when I'm happy he is happy. That is a good thing I suppose.

Harry kept watching me during our second game of bowling, unfortunately I didn’t win this time. He has been acting differently the past few days, but I haven't bothered was probably nothing. As I looked over at him there was something different in his eyes, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Love maybe? No Louis… don't be so ridiculous, Harry will never feel the same way about you as you do him. At that exact moment I finally realised how much I truly loved him and how much he really meant to me. It was insane. I have to put some distance between us, otherwise I will fall completely and utterly in love with the one person I cannot have.

 I stayed pretty quiet for the remainder of the day. I think the boys thought that there was something going on, which technically there was. Liam pulled me aside once we went back to his, Zayn & Niall's place.

"Hey Lou, I've noticed you've been strangely quiet all day… Is everything okay mate?" Liam asked warily.

"I uh.. Yeah I've just got some things on my mind, it's nothing major though"  I sighed as I thought about the way Harry was looking at me today even though it had meant completely nothing. Liam nodded firmly and walked back in to the living room where we were going to lounge about and watch movies for the rest of the day. I walked back in to where the lads were with a big bowl of popcorn in hand. Niall's face lit up immediately at the sight of food. I shook my head and let out a hearty laugh as I found a space in between Liam and Niall where I could lay down and get comfortable to spend the rest of the day watching movies. I looked over to Harry who was looking at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes, but I just had to put some distance in between us as much as it killed me.

The afternoon ended perfectly with the lads and I lounging about, laughing and crying at the movies we had watched, this is how it should be always, just a bunch of relaxed lads having a laugh and spending quality time together.

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Next update: Most likely tomorrow. <3

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