Chapter 5 ~

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Hey guys, so here's Chapter 5.  Enjoy ~


Louis' POV

If space was what Harry wanted, then space was what he was going to get. I can't believe he jumped to such a ridiculous assumption, I mean well it isn't that ridiculous, but still... I wish he would just realise how much I love him. Maybe putting that distance between us wasn't such a great idea, I realised now that I hurt Harry in doing so, and I really don't like seeing him hurt.

The way he lashed out at me just before was so upsetting. I mean sure, we've had our fights before, but not as big as this one had been. When he shouted at me, I felt my heart shattering into a million pieces within my chest. It was hard to breathe, but I had to keep my composure because I didn’t want him to see me at my weakest. It was alright to let my emotions out now seeing as I was behind a closed door. The tears escaped my eyes easier than I thought, I silently cried whilst sitting on my bed thinking of what I was going to do next. The sudden slam of the front door startled me, it was just Harry going out probably to get drunk and sleep with some girl. Good… it would be easier for me to leave unnoticed. I began packing my suitcase with the essentials such as clothes and toiletries, I made sure my phone and iPod charger was tucked away in the case too, I couldn't forget them. I grabbed my wallet off my bed and slid it into my back pocket; I would need it in case I got pulled over while I was driving.

 I switched my phone off because I knew that as soon as Harry got back and I wasn't here he would freak out and try to call me, but I didn’t want to speak to him right now…  Finally I thought whether or not I should leave a note for him. I weighed out the options and decided that I wasn't going to leave a note. He deserved to suffer and not know where I was, or if I was coming back… Serves himself right for telling me he wanted space. It was his fault.

 I wheeled my suitcase down the stairs and out into the car park where my car was. I opened the back door and effortlessly threw my suitcase in the backseat.  It would take me about 4 hours to reach my destination.

Harry's POV

I stuffed up big time. I couldn’t face Louis after our argument, I just couldn't. I could see that he was starting to break as we argued, but he masked his emotions for my sake.  I told him that I needed space, but the last thing I wanted was 'space', especially when it came to my Boo Bear. I just wanted to be with him every second of every day.  I sighed as I made my way through the busy streets of London, pointlessly walking around. I should be at home fixing this with Louis, but instead I was being a coward.

I decided to head over to the lads apartment, maybe they could give me some advice. Liam was especially good with advice seeing as he was 'Daddy Direction'. It didn't take me long to get to their place as it was just a few blocks away from where I had been walking. Seeing as were all like brothers I didn't bother knocking, instead I just walked straight in.

Liam looked up from his spot on the couch. Niall and Zayn were no where to be seen. "Harry? What are you doing here at this time of the evening? Is everything alright?" the questions just started pouring out of Liam's mouth. That is the thing I love most about this lad. He cares about the lads and I as if we were his true family, he is always there for us. I sighed and ran a hand through my curls. "No, everything isn't alright Li, I was hoping you could give me some advice" I bit on my bottom lip as I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. "Sure, anything Harry just start from the beginning" Liam placed a hand on my shoulder as I began to speak. "Well Louis and I had a massive argument just before over something silly, I'm really worried that he will never speak to me again Li. I don't know what to do. You should have seen how angry and upset Lou was. I've completely screwed everything up!" I felt the first few tears trickle down my cheeks.  Liam's face had a pure look of concentration on it as he appeared to be thinking of what to say next. His brow creased as he thought. He cleared his throat before continuing, "everyone has their arguments Harry, and if you say it was over something silly then it really shouldn't be that much of a big deal. One thing I can say to you is that you shouldn't be sitting here right now…" My face scrunched up in confusion as to what Liam had said to me. I felt my breathing become more rapid. "What is that supposed to mean Liam?! What do you mean!?" I exclaimed, with my hands flapping all over the place. Liam simply chuckled in response. Well I'm glad he thought this whole situation was funny, because I surely didn't. "Mate, you need to be at home sorting this out with Lou. That's where you need to be. Go!" Liam almost shouted the last part. I nodded in response and thanked Liam before running out the door.

I briskly walked through the surprisingly quiet streets; I had a hoodie on so the few people that did pass me didn’t happen to recognise me. I finally reached our apartment complex where I took the lift to our floor; we were situated on the top floor so it took a good two minutes in the lift to finally arrive at our floor. I then followed the corridor that leads us to our lavish apartment that just happened to be on the end.  We were lucky; we probably had the best apartment in the whole complex. The view from our balcony was absolutely phenomenal, especially at night. You could see pretty much the whole city and with all the lights on at night time it was simply breath taking. I often went out on to the balcony whenever I needed some time to myself.

I fumbled with the keys in the door, I could not find the right darn key. I soon found the right key and finally let myself into our apartment. I was kind of excited to see Louis again so we could sort things out. It was quiet and all the lights were off so I assumed Lou was up in his room.  I slowly walked up the stairs and down the hall until I was in front of Lou's room. I knocked a few times before opening the door. Lou wasn't in his room… Everything was tidier than normal which was totally out of character for him. I noticed that his suitcase he kept in the corner for when we went on tour was missing. He couldn’t possibly have left, could he? A sudden wave of panic washed over me and I'm sure my face would have been as pale as a ghost. I sprinted over to his closet and opened it. Surely enough most of his clothes were gone.  I punched the wall in frustration which to my surprise left a hole. “Shit”, I muttered. 

Why did Louis leave? Was it because I told him I needed space? This couldn't be happening to me.

I suddenly felt a whole wave of darkness overtake me as I fell to the floor. That was the last thing I could remember.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2013 ⏰

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