Chapter 2 ~

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Here is Chapter 2, I hope you enjoy J


Harry's POV

My eyes fluttered open as the bright light peeked through the opening in the curtains. I had just awakened from without a doubt the best sleep I had ever had, and it was all because of the magnificent person sharing my bed with me. I rolled over face Lou and he wasn't there. I got up in confusion and I found him on the floor next to the bed, he must have tumbled out of the bed during the night. I soundlessly picked up my phone off the bedside table and snapped a picture of him and immediately uploaded it onto Twitter. Within minutes, #howadorableislouis was trending. I picked Lou up bridal style and gently positioned him back on to the bed before placing a kiss on his forehead. I silently chuckled to myself as I made my way down the stairs to make breakfast for Louis and myself. As I walked into the kitchen I found myself twirling around and singing to myself, things were looking up at the moment.

Louis POV

A loud beep startled me as I shot up in bed to realise it was morning. I checked my phone only to find a picture that had been recently uploaded to Twitter of me sleeping on the floor.  One word, Harry. I swear I will get that boy back one day.  I rested my head on the pillow underneath me, I opened up my messages and wrote one to Harry, "Where are you? -BooBear xx" I laid in bed staring at the ceiling, all the events of the last few days came rushing back to me. The break up with Eleanor specifically, I didn't mean to break her heart, but my feelings for her were just not there anymore, you know? After time the feelings I had for her gradually disappeared as I fell in love with someone else. Harry.


"El, I think we should talk.." I simply said to her without looking her in the face. I was feeling really ruthless for what I was about to do.

"What is it Louis?" Eleanor replied in a serious tone.

I fidgeted with my fingers for mere seconds before I figured out what to say.

"I'm breaking up with you Eleanor, we just aren't working out and I no longer feel the same way about you" I croaked out the last few words as I immediately looked to the ground trying not to let any tears spill.

The room was silent for a minute whilst Eleanor was thinking. I finally built up the courage to look at her.

"Can you please leave?" She barely whispered. I nodded in response and simply walked out of her apartment without another word, making my way back to mine and Hazza's apartment.

End of flashback

The buzzing of my phone had broken me out of my intense trance. It was just Harry telling me to come downstairs as breakfast was ready. I didn't bother getting dressed or doing my hair as it was only Harry that was going to be seeing me.

Harry's POV

I was sitting at the dining room table while awaiting Lou's arrival when I heard laughter coming down the stairs, Louis was sliding down the bannister of the stair case, he fell flat on his ass as he reached the end of the stairs. I couldn't control the laughter escaping me as seeing Louis rub his bottom was just too hilarious.

"Not funny, Haz! That hurt, my butt is numb now" He said with a pout. I couldn’t laugh at him anymore, especially when he looked so adorable. For some odd reason he looked even more perfect after just waking up. He had on  a simple plain white shirt which was a little too small, but it reflected every single muscle in his arms and stomach superbly. His long red pyjama bottoms hung low from his hips making him look almost irresistible. His hair had no product in it so it was standing up in all different directions, but in my opinion his shaggy bed hair suited him better than when he spent 15 minutes styling it.  Lou had cleared his throat , shit. I must have been staring. Play it cool, Styles. Play it cool. I thought to myself.

"Breakfast is served!" I said motioning to the plates in front of me.

Louis smiled widely as he ran and sat down, without a word he dug into his breakfast like a wild animal. I shook my head and laughed as I picked up my knife and fork and ate breakfast with Lou.

Thank you to everyone who has read/voted/commented so far, it means a lot to me J

Like/Vote/Comment! <3

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