Chapter 3

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Vicruls POV

The girl sat atop the medical examination table in the sterile smelling room of the medbay. Her hands crossed daintily in her lap as she patiently waited, kicking her still bare legs back and forth. She didn't much seem bothered by her lack of clothing, she probably thought it normal at this point.

The sound of the door sliding open caught her attention as she watched the doctor walk into the room. She looked him up and down curiously. "Hello there. I'm Doctor Castor." He said as he washed his hands at the small metal sink. The girl sat silent as he spoke, not even really acknowledging that he was speaking to her. "I'm going to ask you a few questions and we can get started" he continued. Trudgen's voice spoke robotically through his vocoder beside me. "She doesn't speak Basic."

The doctor paused, tapping his pen against his clip board. "I can get a translator. What is her native tongue?" He questioned. Both me and Trudgen looked at one another and shrugged. "We don't know. She doesn't say much." I replied. "I see" the doctor sighed. "Well that might make this a bit more difficult."

"She's from the wasteland, we assume she's had no medical care in the past." Trudgen informed him. The doctor nodded. "Then I'll do a full examination. Some vaccines and I'll take a few samples for testing." And with that he began.

The girl didn't move as he did his work, looking hesitant as he pressed his fingers against her wrist, checking her pulse. She didn't seem to like what he was doing, pulling away more then a few times as he tried to look into her ears. She reached her hands up, covering them as she scowled at the doctor, hoping that he would just leave her alone.

She grunted at him angrily, a clear sign that she was done cooperating. He swiveled on his stool looking to us for help. I made my way over to where she sat, resting my scythe against the wall behind me. I grabbed the girls arms, prying them away from her head and pinning them behind her back, I made sure not to squeeze her, wanting her to know that I had no intentions of hurting her. She squirmed against me with all her might, frustrated noises escaping her as she tried to slide herself off the table with no success.

The doctor continued his exam before he went to the cabinet to grab the girls vaccinations. She didn't seem to care much, mostly mad at me for holding her in place, looking back at me with a pout. He cleaned her arm before administering the first one.

She gasped as he stuck her, clearly not knowing that he was intending to stab her. She yanked against my grasp, harder now, fighting like a wild animal to get away. He did his best to finish the others to, trying his best to be gentle despite her flailing. As he went to discard of the needles and get his empty sample tubes the girl let out a sob, her face bright red as she began to cry.

The jerking and scowling I could handle but this was making me feel like a monster. Sure I had done much worse things then this, killed people, destroyed villages, slaughtered family's, but this I would not do. "That's enough for today." I told the doctor, letting the girls arms free and backing away.

She scrambled off the table, sprinting across the room to Trudgen, her hands gripping onto the fabric of his clothing as she clung to him for protection. He petted her head trying to calm the sobbing girl, reassuring her that she was okay despite her not knowing what the hell he was saying.

"We'll bring her back once she's more adjusted. She's going to hurt herself if we continue now." I grabbed my weapon and headed for the door, watching as she coward closer to my fellow knight, scared that I might grab her and put her back on the table. "Come. We're to meet Ren in the throne room." As I walked out I heard Trudgen's footsteps follow behind me, he had picked the girl up, carrying her in one arm and his vibrocleaver on his opposite shoulder.

I tried to remind myself that I had done nothing wrong, that she would be over it in a day or two, and she needed those vaccines. I was helping her not hurting her, but the sounds of her sniffles were not helping. We made it to what had once been snokes throne room but was now Kylos, I pushed the doors open making my way inside. I noticed all the knights had gathered to see the girl, curious as to who we had picked.

She had finished with her breakdown and was looking around curiously, seeming confused that there were more of us for her to meet. "A Mask?" She questioned Trudgen, doe eyes wide as she spoke. He nodded, "correct." He set her down, her still bare feet meeting the cold black flooring. "You actually got one?" Kuruk questioned in agitation, he had been completely against the idea in the first place. No one acknowledged his comment choosing instead to get a good look at her.

"What's she called?" Ushar questioned looking down at her as she approached him. "We don't know, she doesn't speak basic." Kuruk scoffed at this. "You couldn't even find one that speaks the same language as us. How are we to communicate with her?" It was clear that he didn't like this one bit. "We can teach her" Trudgen said scoldingly, as if Kuruk had straight out called the girl an idiot.

Kuruk whipped his head in her direction as she pulled gently on his sleeve, trying to make him look at her so she could get a better glance at his helmet. She reached her arm up, barley able to reach his face and touched the jaw of the metal contraption. "A Mask" she repeated again.

He didn't reply to her just grabbed her wrist as gently as Kuruk was cabable of being and pushed her hands away. She pouted at this returning to trudgen, saying something none of us could understand as she pointed back at the unwelcoming knight.

The throne room doors opened and in walked Ren, his boots booming loudly as he made his way to his throne. The girls eyes followed him intensely, remembering him from earlier, happy to see the knight who was kind enough to loosen her collar. She yanked on trudgen's shirt excitedly. "Bring her to me." Kylo commanded, leaning lazily against his throne. I nodded, hooking a large arm around the girls waist and pulling her along with me as i made my way to the supreme leader.

The girl pouted up at me, clearly still mad at ne for holding her in place while that doctor assaulted her with his sharp tools. I set her on her feet in front of the commander, pushing her forward encouragingly. "Come here, little one." He beckoned her with two fingers, patting a gloved hand against his thigh. She smiled at the attention, scurrying her way over to him and sitting herself promptly in his lap, hooking her arms around his neck.

"Such an eager little thing isn't she? You choose well Vicrul." He chuckled lowly. He caught her face between his first finger and thumb and squeezed her cheeks enough to make her lips pucker. "Have my knights been kind to you, little one?" He questioned her, not really expecting an answer. She just smiled sheepishly at him clearly not understanding his words but liking his attention none the less. "Pretty baby"

"We had some difficulty in medical. She isn't much a fan of being poked and prodded." I explained, nodding in the girls direction. "She's only learning aren't you little pet? Your a good girl?" He continued, tipping her chin up with his knuckle, she giggled. "I expect you'll all be gentle with her, she's only a little thing and she's still new here. She doesn't understand us yet so we must accommodate her." he said warningly, his threat seeming mostly directed at Kuruk. "Yes Ren." We all replied in unison.

"She needs to be bathed, and find her something else to wear. We can't have her walking around the base in her underwear for everyone to gawk at. I assume your all competent enough to handle those things, yes?" He questioned, his hands resting comfortably on her hips as he spoke. "Yes Ren." He nodded satisfied. "Good. Now take her. I have a meeting with the generals any minute now."

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