Chapter 16

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The man led the way, pulling the girl behind him, practically dragging her through the red carpeted halls of the casinos privet rooms. It was clear the man was eager to get her alone, the sentiment making her uneasy. Yes she was a skilled fighter, but anything could happen. This man was much bigger then she, heavily intoxicated, not to mention she didn't know him, making the entire situation unpredictable. She wanted more then anything to be back with her knights.

Stopping at a door the man used a key card to open it, pulling the girl inside along with him. The room was very nice, everything clean and in its rightful place aside from a few clothing items that where laying around the room here and there. Remembering her instructions she quickly pressed the strange looking bracelet that ren had placed on her at the beginning of her mission, the object lighting up ever so slightly as she did so. What it was for she was unsure but she knew it had a purpose.

Before the girl got the chance to even think she was pressed roughly against the wall, her back meeting the cold hard surface with a thud. The man, who she now knew as Archer, gripped her waist much to tightly, bringing his face only inches from hers. "You are so beautiful, like a dream." He spoke, his breath fanning her face. She didn't react, simply stayed still as he groped her body.

"I'm so lucky I got to you before any other man got a good look at you in this dress." He chuckled, leaning in to attack the girl, leaving a trail of bright bruised bite marks down her neck and across her chest. She grunted in pain. This wasn't anything like her knights touches, the way his hands felt against her skin disgusted her, he was to rough, his finger digging into her flesh making her want to run and hide. But that wasn't an option, she had a job to do, a mission to complete.

Wanting him to fully let his guard down she moved her hair to the side, giving the man more access to her, though she hated to do so. He smiled, seeming to be in a state of bliss as he took her in, her smell, her soft skin, every thing about her drew him in more and more. Suddenly his hand found her back, pulling harshly at the buttons that fastened the garment to the girls body.

Her eyes went wide, she needed to strike soon, before he went any further. It was bad enough being alone with him, allowing him to touch her, she would not be naked in front of him as well, that was for kylo and her knight, not him. She pulled her lips into a tight smile, batting her lashes at him sweetly as she took hold of his collar, yanking him to her level with ease to stop his frantic undressing.

"Slow down," She giggled, her hands finding there way to his neck, running gently over the sensitive skin of his throat. "No need to rush." But the man did want to rush, he wanted her bare, on his bed, at his will as soon as possible. He wanted to hear what her moans sounded like, to see what her skin felt like when her chest was pressed against his own. Unfortunately, he would never get the pleasure.

Without warning She grabbed hold of him and wrapping an arm around his neck, using the other to tighten her grip until his breathing was cut off. It was clear then that he wouldn't be going down without a fight, clawing viciously at her arm. He threw his elbow back into her ribs, knocking the air from her lungs, gaining the upper hand as she released her hold on him.

"What the hell?" he growled, seeming confused by the girls sudden change in attitude. He didn't understand, who was she, what did she want. She pulled at the fabric of her dress, lifting it just enough to access the blade that sat tucked in the leather strap buckled around her thigh. The object has been given to her by Master Ushar, a secret weapon for his precious pet, he couldn't have her helpless after all could he? She lowered herself ever so slightly, thinking to herself how much easier this fight would be without that damn dress on.

She lunged at the man, her blade meeting the wall next to his face as he moved to avoid her attack, shoving her away with unholy force. She stumbled backwards, falling against a glass table, the object toppling to the ground and smashing into pieces with a loud crash. She quickly scrambled back to her feet, chest heaving, eyes blown wide with blood lust. She had to remind herself Master Ren wanted him alive. Alive yes, but unharmed had never been apart of the agreement.

She approached once again, the man catching her wrist in his grip, attempting to pry the knife from her fingers. She refused to let that happen, bring her knee up between the man's legs causing him to topple over in pain. Seeming to see that she had the upper hand he turned and crawled away from her, heading for the door. She laughed at his pathetic attempt to escape, bring her blade down to stab deeply into the flesh of his thigh.

It felt good to hear him scream, the sound bringing a satisfied smirk to the girls face. She stood, dusting any remaining glass from her fall off of her body, smoothing her hair once again. "My Master is looking for you. He is the only reason I've left you alive, if it were up to me I'd kill you and throw you over that balcony." She huffed, bending over him and yanking her weapon out of his leg.

She wasn't usually so heartless, it wasn't in her nature, but she knew men like this. These where the kind of men who used to buy her body back at the club, using her roughly, not caring if they hurt her. She knew the way they thought, and they disgusted her, they deserved to die, and so did he.

The man backed himself against the nearest wall, pressing his hands against his gushing wound in an attempt to slow the bleeding that she had caused. The sound of the door sliding open made her jump, readying herself for another struggle if the man where to have friends. When the sight of her knights came into view she let out a sigh of relief, letting her guard down and rushing to them.

Kylo entered the room, staring down at the injured man who looked back at him in terror. He surly hadn't expected the girls Master to be the supreme leader, of all people but there he stood. "Archer, how nice to finally make your acquaintance. I see my pet did quite the number on you." Kylo chuckled, nodding towards his wound in amusement. The man didn't reply, to afraid to let a single word pass his lips in fear that they may be his last.

He turned to the girl, pulling her closer, tilting her chin up to get a good look at the marks the man had left on her. "Seems you deserved it the way you manhandled the poor thing." He sighed. "Was he rough with you, pet? Did he hurt you?" Kylo questioned, his tone almost mockingly sweet. She paused, thinking. She wanted to make this man's day as miserable as possible, and do that she would.

She rounded her eyes, nodding up at the supreme leader, a pout playing across her lips. "Yes Master, look." She whined, pulling at the top of her dress to expose each and every mark he had bitten into her skin. Kylos fingers traces across one of the deeper marks, the movement causing her to flinch beneath his touch.

"Look what you've done. I should kill you for that." Kylo spoke, causing the man below him to cower closer to the wall, skin clammy and pale. "Your lucky you have something I want. It's the only thing keeping me from painting these walls red with your blood." The girl did her best to hide her smirk, secretly enjoying watching the man recoil at the sound of her masters threats.

Kylo moved closer to him, crouching next to where he sat incapacitated on the floor. He tilted his head at him, shoving a single gloved finger into the stab wound on his thigh. A shriek escaped him, jerking to twist away from Rens hand. "Fuck" he grimaced, clenching his eyes shut as his chest heaved. "Pathetic." The supreme leader spat, standing and gesturing for the troopers to come collect there new prisoner.

"Take him to the ship, if he struggles feel free to shoot him. Anywhere below the waist will suffice."

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