Chapter 5

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Vicruls POV

My eyes focused on the door everytime it opened, praying that it was going to be the girl instead of another one of my fellow knights. Trudgen had taken her for a bath, something I had wanted to do but after she threw a bit of a fit and refused to let go of him I decided I'd throw him a bone, just this once.

Trudgen made his way through the dining haul door, ushering the girl inside along with him. Her hair was damp and she wore an unhappy pout across her pink lips. She was adorned by a black silk dress, the fabric hugging every feminine curve of her body. "Finally, I'd begun to think you'd never arrive" Kuruk remarked, the bitterness dripping from his voice.

"Her bath took longer then anticipated" Trudgen replied, obviously annoyed by his fellow knights negative attitude. Kuruk rolled his eyes, a clear sign that he had no interest in hearing about anything that had to do with the girl. "Well don't make it a habit. I don't like to be kept waiting."

"That's enough" Ren boomed, his patience for the man's antics running low. Kuruk quickly averted his gaze, the warning from Kylo enough to shut him up. "Bring her to me and sit down. We have much to discuss." Trudgen followed orders, leading the girl to Ren at the head of the table and took his seat next to me.

The girl giggled sheepishly as Ren pulled her over to sit on his thigh, his gloved hand making its way up to her face, stroking her cheek. "You were a good girl for Trudgen weren't you, little one?" He questioned with a grin. The girl didn't reply of course just blushed and smiled, soaking up every bit of the supreme leaders attention.

A droid came out from the kitchen, pushing a cart full of food as it made its way to the table. It set a plate in front of each knight, setting an extra one next to kylo for the girl before it made its way back to where it came from, the sound of its metal hitting the floor echoing through the room as it went.

"Now, if we're going to keep the girl, rules must be set into place." He spoke, reaching for her plate and pulling it in front of her. She scrunched her face up at it, looking confused as to what it even was. "Rules?" Ap'lek questioned, already scarfing down whatever he could fit into his mouth. "Yes. Rules, since it seems that some of us can't be civil." Ren countered, his eyes making there way over to Kuruk who kept his gaze on his plate.

"Now, she will be starting basic lessons tomorrow during your training time. I think it goes without saying that she will be Vicruls ward for the night seeing as this whole thing was his idea to begin with. We obviously can't leave her alone while we're on missions so she will accompany us-" a loud scoff cut Kylos sentence short. "Accompany us? You expect us to keep watch of this... thing while also carrying out your orders? This has to be a fucking joke." Kuruk boomed, his fist making hard contact with the table making all of our plates shake.

Ren sighed in agitation, clearly trying to keep himself calm as to not choke his fellow knight right there in front of the everyone. Kuruks eyes shot over to me, a look of pure hatred on his face as he pointed in my direction. "I suggest you choose your next move wisely." Ren threatened, voice calm and smooth despite the clear anger that Kuruk was invoking. Kuruk picked up his plate and turned, throwing it with all his force against the wall where it shattered and fell to the floor.

The girl gasped, the impact making her jump in Kylos lap and turn, burying her face in his chest. Without another word he stormed out of the dining hall, his anger radiating off of him in waves as he went. Kylos hand rubbed circles into the shaking girls back, doing what he could to calm her. "It's alright, little one. I've got you." He soothed. "As I was saying, she will accompany us on our missions and she is to have atleast one of you with her at all times whilst we are out. Is that understood?" He questioned. A unified "yes ren" rang out through the room.

"Excellent. Now as we've discussed she is no prisoner nor is she a servant, she is a companion and I expect her to be treated as such. If any one of you, that includes Kuruk, lay a finger on her with ill intent I will personally remove the appendage from your body." The look on his face made it apparent that his threat was very serious.

"Now I'd like to enjoy my dinner without anymore outbursts taking place." He finished, leaning back in his chair as he readjusted the girl so she was facing forward. He grabbed her fork and stabbed her food with it, bringing it up to her mouth encouragingly. She quickly turned her head to the side, doing all she could to avoid taking a bite of the foreign substance.

"Come now pet, you must eat something or you'll starve." Kylo cooed, trying once again. The girl shoved at his arm as if he was trying to poison her. He sighed setting the fork down in defeat. "When she gets hungry enough, she'll eat." Ap'lek said, setting his utensils down on his already empty plate. "I suppose your right." Kylo countered as he began eating his own meal.

As we finished our dinners, the girl stood from her spot perched on the supreme leaders lap and walked curiously around the table holding her fork. She seemed to be examining it, like it was an object that she hadn't ever encountered before. Coming from the wastelands I wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't. There was nothing out there but sand and space debris.

As she continued, she noticed Apleks now unaccompanied fork and quickly snatched it from the table, trying her best not to catch his attention as she did so. She smiled to herself as she clutched the utensils, looking around to see if anyone else was no longer paying attention to there cutlery.

She made her way over to me holding the utensils up to my face with a proud smile, as if she had found some kind of treasure. "Those are forks, pet. You eat with them." I tried to explain, earning a confused look from the girl. "I've meetings to attend to within the hour, I trust the girl will be well taken care of for the night?" Ren questioned as he stood from the table, helmet gripped between his gloved hands as he started towards the door. "Yes ren" I quickly replied.

He gave a nod and headed off to his business without another word. I pushed myself back away from the table and stood, my stature towering over the girl as she watched Kylo exit the dining hall with a sullen stare. "Don't fret, little one. Your coming with me. You must be tired after the day you've had."

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