Chapter 17 ⚠️

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"Poor baby" Cardo spoke, pulling his pet down into his lap as she showed him her injury's. She pouted up at him, eyes wide and innocent. He knew she wasn't hurt, that she was simply using this as an excuse for attention, but the knight didn't much care. He would give her whatever she wanted, she had after all completed her mission successfully and without complaint, she deserved some praise.

The man pulled her closer, planting kisses over her bruises as his hands roamed her waist. She giggled at the contact, biting her lip to suppress a moan that threatened to break through from the feeling of the man's lips pressed against her. The others where all preoccupied, some in the control room with Ren and Kuruk, others off doing whatever it was they did when she wasn't with them.

She had always been intrigued by Cardo, but he spent most of his time at his work bench, taking apart weapons and piecing them back together, never paying her or anyone else for that matter much mind. She wanted to soak up every ounce attention she could get from the man.

The girl whined lowly as Cardo pulled away from her, displeased that he had stopped. "It still hurts, Master." She whimpered, tugging at his clothing to bring him closer. He couldn't help but laugh at her desperation, so needy she was, not that he was complaining. "It still hurts, pet? Show me where." He commanded, watching carefully as she tugged her dress down, exposing the soft skin just above her breast where a sizable bite mark sat.

"Here, master. See?" She nodded, pointing. The knight shook his head, a look of fake worry playing over his face. "Well that's no good. We must make you feel better, yes?" The girls eyes lit up at his words, nodding frantically. Yes, she wanted him to make her feel better, more then anything.

He leaned back in, slow sloppy kisses trailing from her chest up to her neck before his lips met her own. She moaned quietly into the kiss, the action passionate and soft, quite the contrast from her other knights usually rough and furious movements. Her noises did something to him, the sound of her sweet voice making the blood rush to his lower half.

"You are like an Angel, pet." He breathed, barley able to think with the way she was pulling at him, begging silently for more. "You must slow down, my pet. I am not going anywhere. I wish to take my time with you." The sound of those words leaving him brought a heat between the girls legs and she quickly pressed her thighs together to sooth it. "Yes sir." So obedient, such a good girl.

His fingers traced against the chains on her dress, moving slowly down her torso, the pace of his actions making the girl ache with anticipation. All she could do was be patient, she had no intentions of trying to rush her master, knowing he was enjoying every moment of the interaction.

"I think about you often, pet." Cardo admitted. It was true, he did think of her more then he liked to admit. On nights that he was lonely he would picture her. Picture the way she would look with her head between his thighs, his cock stuffed into her pretty little mouth as her eyes rolled back in her head.

He knew he could just go get her, take her to his room and do with her as he pleased but that wasn't what he wanted. He wanted her to come to him, and now she had, and it was bliss. "You think of me, master?" She couldn't help but smile at the thought, she still considered herself nothing more then a slave at times but this sentiment made her feel special. "Ceaselessly."

The simply sound of those words could have made her cum. She couldn't take it anymore, she wanted him to touch her, she was dying for it. "I need you, master. I wish to touch you. Please I can't wait any longer." She whined, her begging making Cardo dizzy with lust. "Fuck, I can't say no to you when your like this."

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