Chapter 24

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Vicruls POV

"Shoulders back, pet. It will only take a moment longer and then you can be finished." I encouraged, seeing how annoyed the girl was becoming as Kylos seamstresses attempted to hem the gown she was to wear to the celebration following her knighting ceremony. "It fits fine. I've been standing here forever." She whined, giving me that pout that made it so hard to refuse her. I simply shook my head, giving her a warning glance, a silent sign to behave herself. Sighing she complied, scowling at herself in the mirror as they finished.

"You may take off the dress now. We have finished" one women said sheepishly, assisting pet to remove the garment from her body to be taken away. The girl beamed, happy to finally be done, ready to do something else, anything else really. She tossed her clothing back on and hurried to my side, practically pulling me out the door and into the hallway.

"Slow down, pet. We still have things to do, places to be." I spoke, pulling her to my side as I began the walk to the throne room where Ren had requested her presence. Seeming to notice the direction we were heading the girl dug her heels into the floor bringing us to a halt. She hadn't spoken to Kylo since he had revealed her secret to the knights, and I assumed she had no interest in doing so seeing by her reaction.

"Pet, come now. You know Kylo is fond of you, he never meant to betray your trust. You cannot avoid him forever." I encouraged, letting my thumb stroke her hand as I spoke. "Plus I hear he has a surprise for you." She simply shook her head, yanking her hand from my grasp and crossing her arms over her chest in defiance. I let out a huff, debating picking her up and tossing her over my shoulder to get her where she needed to be, but deciding against it knowing it would upset her greatly.

I stepped closer to her, my hands resting against her waist as I lowered myself to meet her gaze. "Won't you please come? For me, pet? It would bring me great joy for you to see his gift." I spoke, my thumbs rubbing into her torso gently as I did my best to persuade her. There was a long silent pause. Slowly her face relaxed, her hands coming to sit on my shoulders and she pressed her body against my own. "Fine. For you I will obey, but know I won't be happy about it." With that I straightened myself, leading her away and off to see Ren.

Excitement buzzed through me like electricity. Kylo had called a meeting of the knights to tell us of his plans. A sadistic plan to punish pets abusers, to allow them to feel as they had once made her. I had initially wanted to collect Hux from his post and slaughter him out in the snow when kylo had told me what he had done, but after hearing of his plans I knew that I had to refrain from such actions.

As we entered the throne room pet clung to my side, her fingers gripping my robes, a scowl written across her pretty face. She was not jesting when she said she would not be happy about it. "My pet, I apologize for my busyness. I haven't had much time to come see you, though I hope the other knights have taken good care of you, hm?" Ren questioned, leaning back against his throne. The girl didn't answer, choosing instead to simply nod, avoiding his gaze at all costs.

The supreme leader seemed to quickly notice her avoidance, standing and making his way over. I moved to the side, practically having to pry the girl off of me. "You know I care deeply for you, don't you pet?" Kylo asked, his frame towering over the girl as he looked down at her, eyebrows knit together in concern. She nodded once again, playing with her fingers to keep from looking him in the face.

"I only do what I believe is best, that is after all the most I can do as a leader is it not?" He reached down, taking the girls face in his gloved hand and tilting her face up to his. Her eyes had welled with tears by this point despite her clear effort to keep them away. "Yes, Master." She whimpered, nodding against his grip on her jaw.

"Then you understand why I did what I did. I want to keep you safe, to protect you, to comfort you. My knights the same. The thought of you enduring the things I saw inside your head-" He paused, his face twisting to something I could only describe as rage. "They made me sick, pet. They make me thirst for the blood of the men who were cruel to you, and there blood I will have." Quiet hiccups made there way from the girls lips, her face growing red and her cheeks becoming tear stains.

Kylo moved his hands to each side of the girls face, wiping her tears away with his thumbs, planting a soft kiss on her four head to comfort her as best he could. "Come. Let me show you something, my pet. A gift for you." With that he took her hand, leading her away without another word. I followed right behind, nodding encouragingly at the girl as she looked over her shoulder at me for reassurance.

We took off down a hallway the girl had never been in before, her eyes wondering curiously as she took in her new surroundings. We made the walk down the long corridor the only sound audible the booming footsteps of myself and the supreme leader. As we made it to the end we exited a door leading to the outside. The girl instinctively snuggled against her master, the cold wind whipping harshly against her making her teeth chatter.
Ren tucked her under his arm, allowing her to seek refuge in his robes as we walked making our way into the forest of the planet. The journey felt like an eternity, our feet crunching into the snow beneath us, the trees making eery whistling noises around our heads.

As we came upon the arena we stopped, Ren turning to the girl and lowering himself to her level, his face only inches from her own. "Now, I know this will not make up for what you have endured. This will not heal your broken heart, or erase your wounds, but I hope it will bring you peace."

With that he turned, leading the girl through the entrance of the coliseum, the sudden sound of cheering echoing through the cavernous space. First order workers, mechanics, technicians, generals, and stormtrooper filled the stadium to watch what was to come, itching with anticipation of the promised exhibition.

The girl scrunched her face in confusion, allowing herself to be lead by Ren through the stadium and to her viewing platform where the rest of her knights stood waiting patiently for her. Kylo brushed the wind tossed hair from out of her face, tipping her chin fondly before he moved to her side. He gave a nod to the man who was standing down in the pit, watching satisfied as he quickly tossed him a knowing glance.

"Lady's and gentlemen. We are gathered here today to witness the inauguration of the first and only Knightess of Ren." The crowd erupted with with cheers and claps, the sound booming as the first order celebrated. "But first, justice must be served." as those words left the man the gates on either side of the pit opened with a loud mechanical clicking.

The girl looked over at me with a tilted head, clearly confused as to what was going on, I gave her a nod, an expression to be patient. On one side of the ring I watched as the man who I had once met at the pet club was shoved out into the ground, coughing as the dust hit his face. He scrambled to get up, doing what he could to dust himself off despite the restraints that sat around his wrists. The girls eyes went wide, she never thought she would see him again, let alone in chains. "Alexi" the girl gasped.

On the other side of the ring, a familiar red haired man made his way out, his clammy skin pale and sweaty as he shuffled his way across the dirt, keeping his eyes on his feet, to ashamed to meet the faces of any of the people who had once been at his command. I smiled to myself, happy that I would soon get to see him suffer. Hux.

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