Imma eat your eyes so you can't see his lies (not meaningful)😔

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I walked home with my head hung, I didn't like that he was married, but I was just going to accept it.


Isn't it weird that my creator has to make all the chapters 400 words, not just 400 m, 436 or 402 is fine, but I think that's just her expectation of herself.

This might just be a small limit/expectation, but I think she finds it nice to have something to work for in something you enjoy.

Anyways, she has a project due in math. She's going to fail...

Please cremate my remains!!

Do you think that the reason wheee all her is for some sort of support, pshh! Not me! I can't even go down the stairs without saying I felt like I almost died because I had a minor accident.

I used to go down the stairs wrong, because I would go with two feet on the stairs all the time, like, step foot down, step other foot down on same stair, and repeat!

I don't know why I wondered why my cousin went down the stairs faster than me, when I was doing THAT!

This was written when listening to deal with the devil.

So anyways, I have no reason to keep being a wimp, but you know who does? I don't know! Such a good character though!

I mis my friend who lives far away😕.

Also Y/N is a senior in high school.

I should've shown you what the wedding was like, it was beautiful(I think).


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