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~Robins POV~

I swear to fucking god everyone is a fucking bitch, besides Finn but like everyone else is un monton de tontos (a bunch of dumb fucks) like I walk into school on monday morning and Moose looks like he wants another fucking beat down like holy shit I might as well slit this throat, but no estoy loco. (Im not crazy) Finn is over at his locker grabbing books, his rocketship keychain in his hand. I smile and walk towards him. I put my hand on either side of his waist. "Hey mi novio how are you?" I ask. Finney jumps a bit and puts his hand on his heart.

"Jesus fucking christ Robin you almost made my fucking soal (a/n I cant spell that word) leave my fucking body!" Finn says.

"Oh Im sorry mi amor." I say, Finn glares at me, I let go of him and we walk down the hall. "So amor how was your night last night??" I ask while putting my hands in my pockets.

"I had baseball last night and we sadly lost." Finn says.

"Damn really?! Finney la mejor jugadora de beisbol que conozco!" I say.

"Robin I dont understand spanish." Finn says. I laugh.

"Sorry mi amor, what I said was, Finney the best baseball player I know!" I say, Finn laughs.

"Im not that good." He says. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah right you fuckin liar, you know lying isnt to nice, and you shouldnt lie to your novio." I say, not saying 'boyfriend' in english because kids would stare then. Finn rolls his eyes, a kid with black hair come up to us, and looks at Finn.

"Yo bro you are like so fucking good at baseball bro!" He says.

"Thanks Bruce but didnt you say that yesterday?" Finney says.

"I know but like bro your arm is mint bro like you almost had me there with the last throw, one more strike and I wouldve been a goner." The bitch named Bruce says.

"What the hell does 'your arm is mint' even fucking mean?" I ask while scoffing. Bruce looks over at me confused.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Im Robin y quien mierda eres tu." I say, Bruce looks confused even more. Finn looks over at me.

"Robin please be nice." Finn says, I roll my eyes.

"Who the fuck are you?" I ask him shortly.

"Oh Im Bruce Yamada! I play baseball like Finney does and we went against each other and hes a really good pitcher." Bruce says.

"I dont give two flying shits now move out of my fucking way." I say while grabbing Finns arm.

"Bye Bruce!! I'll call you later!" Finn says. I drag him down the hall. "Robin what the hell is your problem??" Finn asks. I stop and let go of his arm, I look over at him.

"Finn my problem is ese hijo de puta!" I say. Finn crosses his arms and looks at me.

"Robin you need to chill the fuck out!!" Finn says. I roll my eyes and walk past him.

"Why." I ask.

Finn sighs. "You fight with everyone." Finn says, I shrug.

"I do it because they desvere it." I say, when I say that I feel someone put their arm around my shoulder. I look over to see Vance standing there. I roll my eyes.

"Wise words wise words man, y'know that is sometimes true too." Vance says.

"What the hell do you want? Im in the middle of a conversation right now." I say.

"Oh yeah I know that and your mad and Finney is mad at you, but I was wondering if you wanna skip with me?? 5th peirod is gonna ge really boring and I dont wanna deal with that." Vance says, arm still around me. I shove off his arm.

"Yes I'll skip with you but can I finish my conversation now??" I say, Vance puts his hands above his head. And nods.

"Yeah go for it shit wad." He says. I roll my eyes.

"Maldito hijo de puta. (Fucking son of a bitch.)" I mutter.

"What was that cock sucker??" Vance asks. I glare at him.

"Why do you hangout with Vance Hopper??" Finn asks, I cross my arms and look at him.

"I am friends with him, and to be honest hes a pretty chill guy once you get to know him." I say, I can tell Vance is smiling.

"He thinks Im a pretty chill guy!!" He whisper shouts.

"God your a fucking child." I say, Vance rolls his eyes.

"And I can beat the fucking shit outta you again Arellano." Vance says while cracking his knuckles.

"Anyways Im gonna skip with Vance and you can go hangout with Brucy bitch." I say. "Bye!" I say as me and Vance walk down the hall. I feel pretty bad to be honest, I mean Bruce is just a friend to Finn, is he?? Or does he want to be something more with Finn? My Finn.

842 words

Chainsaw Massicure Lover <3 Rinney<3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang