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~Finney's POV~

~TW: F-slur~

"Arent you gay?" Billy asks, I look over at him.

"Uhhh what the fuck was that question for?" I ask eyebrow raised. Billy shrugs his shoulders.

"You dont look gay, and didnt you used to like that Donna chick??" Billy asks. I slap my hand on his mouth and turn to him.

"Shhhut up." I say to him. I uncover his mouth and we contiune down the hall.

"Arent you and Robin dating?" Billy asks, I turn to him.

"Yes we are! Why?" I say, Billy shrugs and walks away.

"Dunno." He says. I catch up to him. He is so fucking annoying, I swear. "Hey Finney." Billy say, I look over at him.

"Yes Billy?" I ask him.

"So you know the girl I like right??' He asks.

"Yeah I know of her." I say.

"Well I wanna ask her out but I dont know how, can you help?" Billy asks. I shake my head.

"Ahhh man your asking the social reject faggot for dating advice, bold move if you never wanna date anyone." Vance says while putting his arm around us. I punch Vances arm and he jerks his arm away. "That was mean Finney Blake, your lucky that your dating Robin because if you weren't I'd fucking kill you." Vance says. I exchange looks with Billy.

"Nah you should kill Billy." I say, Billy throws his hands up.

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN!?" Billy yells. Vance smiles at Billy.

"Oooo and I could like tell that one girl lies about Billy." Vance says. "And then maybe I could date her instead." Vance says while winking at Billy, Billy rolls his eyes.

"Are you gay? And dont you like Bru-" Vances hand slaps over Billy's mouth and Vance gives Billy the death look.

"Finish that sentence and I kill you hear and now." Vance says, he takes his hand off of Billy mouth. Billy clears his throat.

"Okay so Im gonna go to class." Billy says.

"Bye buddy." Vance says while patting Billys back.

"Uhhh hey Robin!!" I shout while flagging Robin down. Robin walks over and kisses my cheek.

"Hola mi novio." Robin says while putting his arm around me.

"Hey how are you?" I ask.

"Im good! How are you?" Robin asks.

"Im good as well." I say.

"You guys make me feel single." Bruce says while walking over. I look over and smile and Vance.

"Mhm, y'know there is a lot of people waiting in line to date you Bruce. I can think of one right now." I say while looking at Vance. Vance mouths something to me.

"Yeah but it's a bunch of girls, who are you thinking of?" Bruce says.

"Oh no one I think Vance might know though." I say. Bruce turns to Vance.

"Really?" Bruce asks.

"No, fuck no, nope no nah." Vance says. He looks at his wrist. "Oh look at the time I need to go!" Vance says while walking away. I smile at Robin, Robin shakes his head.


506 words

Chainsaw Massicure Lover <3 Rinney<3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon