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~a/n, I love you all so much! I have been trying to keep myself busy and I have new friends now!~

~Finney's POV~

I am sitting on the couch. My knees brought up to my chest and I am biting my nails. Gwenny is sitting right next to me and Robin is on the other side of her. Bruce, Vance and Billy had brought over chairs from the Kitchen and put them across the room. "Why are you here?" Vance asks.

"This is my house." I say. "What do you just not expect me to be at my house?" I ask.

"I dunno because your a killer and you shouldnt be here." Bruce says.

"Hey I mean at least you can still play baseball!" Gwenny says.

"How?? How can I Gwen?' Bruce asks.

"Well you can swing with that y'know and catch a ball and take off the glove and throw it!" Gwenny says.

"Gwenny stop." I say to her.

"I know I shouldve stopped as soon as I said the first word." Gwenny whispers really loud to me.

"We can hear you." Vance says.

"Good fucker." Gwenny ssys while flipping him off.

"You little fucker." Vance says while standing up. I stand up too. I know I couldnt take him in a fight fuck no I would be ripped to shreads and thrown down the garbage shoot. But if I act like I could hurt him maybe he would back down. "Sit the fuck down Finney Blake you know your no match." Vance says.

~3rd person's POV~

"How long have they been in there for?" Grabber #1 asks while looking at a imagenry watch.

"I dont know." Grabber #2 says while picking up the axe from behind him and looking at Grabber #1. "We gotta handle this ourselves dude he wont come to us." Grabber #2 says.

"Fine." Grabber #1 says while grabbing a gun from the black bag on his back. "Do you wanna kick in the door?" Grabber #1 asks.

"Yes please!" Grabber #2 says while they walk across the street.

~Robins POV~

They all keep going back and forth arguing I have a massive headache to be honest. "BANG!" The sound erputs through the house. Everyone freezes.

"Shit." I hear Finn mutter.

"BANG, BANG BANG!!" The sound goes again.

"Their coming shit shit shit!" Finn whisper shouts. "Everyone hide the fuck right now and hide amazingly!" Finn says. I feel like we are about to fucking die.


<<<3333 416 words.

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