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~Finney's POV~

Y'know I would have grabbed Robin if he hadnt been holding a chainsaw that could kill us all if it just went flying. And I dont think Robin remembered that they had a fucking gun. Now he is my boyfriend, and I cant let anything happen to him. But I cant kill the Grabbers either. "Stop!" I scream. Robin freezes, Grabber #1 lowers his gun.

"Mi amorrrr!" Robin says. "I was going to slice them and dice them!" He says again.

"Turn off the chainsaw." I say. Robin turns it off.

"Put down the gun." I demand. "And the fucking axe too." I say. Both the Grabbers put down their weapons.

"What the fuck are you doing??" Vance growls?

"You realize that if we kill those two, then we are just like them." I say.

"Oh but the funny thing is Finney that you are already like us! You've been thinking about killing them all havent you? Thinking about killing Vance when you were talking in the kitchen." Grabber #2 says while leaning over the railing.

"What! No, no I wasnt you, you liar!" I say.

"Wow!" Grabber #2 says while putting his hand on his heart. "That hurt my feelings." He says. "But we saw how you freaked out in the kitchen after Vance yelled at you, you took a step back then ran upstairs. Honestly I was hiding in your room and forget to shut the window, Im sorry I shouldve closed it on my way in." Grabber #2 says while.

"Shut the fuck up! You dont knos anything!" I yell.

"Finney, is he telling the truth?" Vance asks.

"Go on, tell them Finney Blake." Grabber #1 says.

My heart starts to race again, a pit forms in my stomach and I feel like I might barf. I grab the chainsaw and pull the cord. I run up the stairs and kill the grabbers. I pick up my mask from the ground and put it on, I smile underneath it. I can hear Gwenny begging me as I approch her.

I take a step back, holding my head. My heart is still racing. "Fuck you." I mutter.

"Awww." Grabber #2 says while clapping his hands. "Our boy is all grown up!!" He says again.

"I swear we are not a couple and we are not married and he is not our child!" Grabber #1 says.

"Yeah but it feels like it." Grabber #2 says. "Oooo!! What if Robin is also our kid! But that'd be weird because Robin and Finney are in love and are dating! But Robin and Finney could be the new Grabbers!" Grabber #2 says again.

"I swear why were you hired." Grabber #1 says.

"And Robin's got the spirt and the fight dont you!" Grabber #2 says doing like a babyish voice. Robin glares at him. "Oh and like Robin said, he would do anything for Finney and follow him where ever he goes." He says again.

"How the fuck do you know that they are dating?" Grabber #1 asks.

"Because I would get bored and watch them sleep and hangout." Grabber #2 says.

"Ew! What the fuck! What else have you seen??" Robin asks.

"I know that you sing American Women in the shower." Grabber #2 says.

"Juro por Dios que es mi hermana la que canta! ¡Juro que no escucho eso!" Robin says.

"Sorry buddy what'd you say??" Grabber #2 asks.

"I swear to fucking god that is my sister singing I swear I dont listen to that!" Robin says in english.

"Okayyyy." Grabber #2 says.

"Why do you watch us?" I ask.

"Because I miss you guys!" Grabber #2 says.

"I might just shoot myself." Grabber #1 says. Grabber #2 hits him.

"There are children around!" Grabber #2 says.

"And the children are holding guns and knives and a fucking chainsaw!!" Grabber #1 says.

"No exuses!" Grabber #2 huffs. Grabber #1 mocks him. "Very mature." Grabber #2 says.

"Says you." Grabber #1 says.

"I am not having the conversation with you right now I dont want our kids to think that we might split up and they will come from a broken home." Grabber #2 says.

"Some of these kids dont even have moms! I actually think all of theses kids dont have moms!" Grabber #1 says. "And that one doesnt have parents!" He says again while pointing at Robin. Grabber #2 gasps and slaps Grabber #1.

"That is so mean! You do not say stuff like that!" Grabber #2 says.

"Sooo can we just leave orrrr." Vance whispers.

"Oh shit we are getting off topic!" Grabber #1 says. "Okay! So we will leave you all alone and will even pay for a fake hand for Brucey boy over there if Robin and Finney come with us." He says. While him and Grabber #2 start to walk down the stairs. I exchange looks with Robin. His eyes wide.

"What will you do with us?" Robin asks.

"You guys will be Grabbers too! You will get paid by the boss depending on who you kill and kidnap and yeah!" Grabber #2 says.

"The boss?" Vance asks.

"Oh yeah our boss! The guy who hired us! He wanted some younger kids to help and when Finney came by, he knew he wanted Finney to help and when he left he got all pissy and left us, our boss told us to gey him!" Grabber #2 says. "And since Robin wont ever leave Finney he will be overjoyed to have two new people! And we can train you and help you kidnap!" He says again.

"Damn." Vance says. "Well have fun guys." Vance says while patting mine and Robins shoulders.

"Could I see my uncle?" Robin asks. "And you promise they will be safe? And my uncle?" Robin asks.

"I swear." Grabber #2 says.

"And half of the money I get goes to my uncle and I get to see him so he knows Im okay." Robin says.

"Robin, what are you doing??" I ask.

"I am making sure their safe and my uncle will be good finaclially, you out of all people should know that he doesnt have much money." Robin says.

"I know, it's just, do you really wanna hurt innocent people? And destroy lives?" I ask.

"As long as Im with you I could give zero flying fucks." Robin says.

"Fine." I mutter. "Fine." I say to the Grabbers.

"Great!" Grabber #2 says while grabbing our arms.


Should I make a next part when I get home?? Do you guys like the dynamic for the Grabbers?? I wanted one to have like a exicted, loving, "motherly" kind of vibe and the other one to just not care, always annoyed, and drinks black coffee. 1126 words.

Chainsaw Massicure Lover <3 Rinney<3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora