Chapter Twenty-Four

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Me: *brings in a shih tzu dog and once I'm inside, I shut the front door* Applehead! I'm back!

Penelope the shih tzu: *barks* Arf!

Michael: *walks in after working on business stuff in his office* Oh no...what is that?? 😦

Me: Remember Penelope? She's my mom's dog, Michael. 😁

Michael: I thought I told you no more little dogs in my house. You know how much they—aaah!

Penelope the shih tzu: *whimpers as she tries to beg Michael for his attention by trying to jump on his leg using her front paws*

Me: Oh come on! I leave for a little while to take a break for the holidays and then, I come back to this?

Michael: *is backing away from Penelope the shih tzu as he tries not to panic* Please Emily! I'm begging you. Get this evil beast out of here. 😨

Me: Absolutely NOT. Either you suck it up so we can continue these dares/truths from the fans or I can just leave.

Michael: Nooo! I'm sorry! Don't leave me!

Me: *sighs* Alright, I'll put Penelope away in her crate for now. But we have to remember to take her outside so she can go potty whenever she has to.

Michael: *watches as I put Penelope the shih tzu in her crate* Thank you.

(*Two very boring minutes later...*)

Me: *moves the crate towards the couch and then puts Penelope the shih tzu inside, along with some toys to play with and a warm blanket*

Michael: *walks in to find me waiting for him, and gasped at what he sees* Emily...! Oh my God, why did you do that?

Me: Do what Michael?

Michael: I said not to bring that thing over here. Please take it somewhere—

Penelope the shih tzu: *starts barking and whimpering because she wants to be petted and loved*

Me: The poor thing. She wants your love, Michael.

Michael: *watches Penelope the shih tzu crying like a little puppy and than starts to feel bad* I'm sorry Penelope. *slowly sticks his hand into the crate and allows Penelope the shih tzu to lick his fingers*

Me: Aww! 😍 She forgives you Michael! 😃

Michael: *smiles* I'm glad. *giggles* That tickles, Penelope.

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