Chapter 1

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm, get up and stretch. I get out of bed, grab my phone, and check for any messages. Once I checked my notes, I decided to prepare for the day, so I went to my closet and picked out an outfit. I went to my dresser, grabbed my bra and panties, and headed to my bathroom. I go ahead and start the shower, and while I'm waiting for the water to warm, I get undressed and put my clothes in the hamper. I checked the water, stepped inside, and went underwater to get my hair wet. I grab my shampoo bottle and put some in my hand, applying it to my head and washing my hair. I scrub and massage my scalp to make my hair all clean. Then I grab the shaving cream, apply it to one leg, and start shaving carefully, so I won't hurt myself. I finished shaving my right leg and then shaving my left leg.

Once I finished shaving my legs, I grabbed my pink loofah put some body wash in it, and started washing my body. After washing my body, I put some conditioner on my legs to make them soft, rinsed the shampoo out of my hair, put some conditioner in it, and waited a few minutes before rinsing the conditioner. I rinsed the conditioner from my hair, brushed it, and then turned off the shower. I reached for the towel and wrapped it around my waist, grabbed one for my hair, wrapped it in the towel, and stepped out. I dried myself and then got dressed. After getting dressed, I removed the towel from my head, brushed out my hair, and got out my blow dryer. I plugged it in and set it on the sink. Then, I got my hair products, put the heat protector in my hair, turned the blow dryer on, and started drying my hair.

I finished blow drying my hair, brushed it, and then applied some makeup. Once I was finished, I cleaned up in the bathroom and then returned to my room. I fixed my bed, tidied up, grabbed my shoes, and put them on. I then grabbed my phone and my purse and then went downstairs. I set my bag on the couch and walked to the kitchen for breakfast. I made some pancakes, eggs and bacon, and some coffee.

Once I made the coffee, I set it aside and finished with breakfast. I finished everything and put some eggs, pancakes, and bacon on a plate. I took my plate and my coffee and walked over to the table. I set it down, ensuring I didn't make a mess and then sat down. I started to eat my breakfast and went on my phone.

I finished my breakfast and went to put my dirty dishes in the sink. Then I sat back down at the table to finish my coffee. I continued on my phone, went on the kindle app, and pulled up the book I was reading. Since I loved to read, I decided to get myself a kindle and downloaded the app on my phone. I read while drinking my coffee, and I put my cup in the sink once I was done. I checked the kitchen, which was clean, so I went to my room, got my book, and returned to the living room. I sat on the couch and did some reading.


I read almost eight chapters, closed my book, and, tooThen, k a break. I got up and went to get some water from the fridge. I opened the bottle and drank water. After I drank some water, I set the bottle on the counter and went on my phone. I decided to visit my boyfriend, so I got ready, got my purse, keys, and phone, and left the house. I locked the front door and went to my car. I got in, set my bag on the passenger seat, and started the car. I backed out of the driveway and drove to where my boyfriend lived.

I get to his place and park the car. I get my purse and phone and get out. I walk up the driveway and get inside the house. I walk inside, and I look around for him, and I don't see him anywhere. He is home because I saw his car out front. I tripped on something, looked down, and saw someone's shoe. I wonder who's. I hear some noises, and I see clothes thrown on the floor, and I don't want to think something terrible. I listen to noises, and when I get to his room, I peek inside and see him, and I see he's kissing a girl. They were practically naked, and I almost dropped my phone, and they stopped what they were doing. They see me standing there, and my boyfriend looks horrified to see me standing there.

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