Chapter 3

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A few weeks later


It has been a few weeks since I met Sophia, and we have gone out a bunch. I am going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I like the pace that we are going, but I just want her to be mine. I am going to take her out on a date, and then ask her to be my girlfriend. I am going to take her to dinner, and then a movie.

I lay in bed for a few more minutes, and then get up. I decided to get dressed to take Lady out for a walk. I grabbed some comfy clothes and got dressed. I put my sneakers on and tied the laces, then I grabbed my phone and went to the kitchen, where my grandma is sitting and drinking coffee. I head over to the fridge and open it. I grab some water and an apple and take a big bite out of it. Mmm crunchy apple. I take a seat at the table and go on my phone.

"Good morning, Noah," My grandma said as she looked up from her coffee.

"Good morning, grandma, how did you sleep?"

"I slept well." She said, then returned to drink her coffee.

"I am going to take Lady out on a walk."

"Ok, dear, have a good walk."

I finished my apple and throw the core away and drink some more water. I called Lady over and grabbed her leash and harness. I put them on her and we leave the house. We start our walk and Lady sniffs around until she finds a good place, to make her business. I make sure to take Lady on a good and nice walk so that she gets some fresh air and gets her exercise in. We go around the block and then she makes her business 2 more times. Then we start heading back to the house.

I throw the doggy bag in the trash and we head inside the house, where Lady goes straight to her water bowl. I get another water from the fridge and take some gulps, then set it back down and get something to eat. I decided on some eggs and toast. I get everything I need and start cooking. I asked my grandma if she was hungry so I made her some breakfast too.

Breakfast was ready and I served some for my grandma and then myself. I took our plates to the table and we began to eat.

"So, grandma, today I am going to ask Sophia to be my girlfriend." I smiled, and my grandma looked up at me and her eyes went wide.

"Really? That's wonderful honey, I am so happy for you." She smiles.

We continued to eat, and I couldn't wait to ask Sophia to be my girlfriend. I finished my breakfast and take my dishes to the sink and wash them. I decided to go take a shower, so I go to my room. I grab some clean clothes and head to the bathroom. I turn the water on and go on my phone.

*Text Message: Noah*

Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?

*Text Message: Sophia*

Good morning, handsome. I slept well, how about you?

*Text Message: Noah*

Good babygirl. I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?

*Text Message: Sophia*


*Text Message: Noah*

Ok, great. I can't wait to see you, beautiful.

*Text Message: Sophia*

What should I wear?

*Text Message: Noah*

Wear something nice, but not too fancy.

*Text Message: Sophia*

Ok, great. I can't wait to see you too.

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