Starting From Scratch

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Between Egypt and the promised land is forward and backward, it took me 430 years to get to the middle of forward and backward.

So how long will it take me to go back then forward again, you don't know the pain I felt for 430years. You don't know how many lashes the slave masters graciously decorated me with.

Though I freely ate cucumbers and melons in Egypt, it wasn't enough to heal my wounds.

From darkness to light wasn't an instant but millions of years shortened to a moment through words.

We wasted all our years serving many gods, but now we serve the living God, maker of the heavens and the earth.

So I do not draw back to perdition, for this life I live is Jesus Christ living in me.

The path of the just is as a shining light that shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day, So I do not turn back to darkness because there is nothing left for me in the past.

My past held so much pain and misery, hopelessness and death, nothing beautiful about my past, nothing to write home about, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

Starting from scratch would be sweet, except there is no scratch in my past to start from.

Medley Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora