New Creature

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I am not the man I used to be, I still have the same hair, same height, same complexion but my inside is different.

There is someone living in my heart. My heart once upon a time inhabitable, now inhabited by the greater One who lives inside me.

YESHUA stepped into me, cleaned me up and He dwells in me. Once upon a time I was dead in sins and filthy lustfulness but now I live by the Spirit.

I am no longer dead in sin but made eternal through Jesus Christ. Once upon a time I live by the fruits of anger, hatred, malice, jealousy but now I live by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, the fruits of the Spirit.

Once upon a time myself was always first before others but now that old self is crucified so my new self is second after others.

Those days I went from one bar to another but now I go from tongues to tongues getting drunk in the Holy Ghost.

I no longer have uncontrolled cravings for food but now I am a glutton of God's Word.

Back then, dark clouds over my head but now my path shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.

Once upon a time, a sinner but now, God's child.

           New Creature

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