I Have A Voice Too

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All dominion on earth has been given to me by God, so I decide what goes and what comes on earth.

Earth is like my backyard, nothing ever happens without my decision.

Even God comes to discuss with me in the cool of the day, just so His plans can be allowed on earth, my backyard.

But after the fall I no longer had a dominion, all my dominion on a platter of gold gifted to the devil.

So life never remained the same, sin and death crept into my former backyard and I had no say.

But I began to call upon the name of the Lord, the rights of my backyard no longer mine but the devil's.

The earth no longer my backyard is under the control of the devil with evil desires breeding on the earth.

So this time no longer having a choice but to call on the name of Jehovah, not willing to leave my fate to the devil.

Thousands of years like 6days before the coming of the Lamb, the lamb that was slain before the foundation of this world.

And the blood of Jesus Christ speaks better things than the blood of Abel, giving me a voice where I had none.

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