Praying Spirit

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I don't know why I lose track of time expressing myself in the Holy Ghost.

There is a roomie in my body that spends half the day groaning with words that cannot be uttered.

So in the secret place, I let the Holy Ghost take over as I express myself in languages no man can read or write.

e bo bo...... ecom be be be..... In unknown tongues I communicate with God the Father.

The distance of a million light years is shortened to days, weeks and months as the praying Spirit pulls on the Spirit realm.

So I be like Elijah pulling on the cloud till the rain falls on the earth, not giving up for though it may tarry I must wait and watch the cloud enter into the earth.

For herein is faith made perfect not in the quick answers to prayers but in tarrying of the upper room.

For faithful is He that started a good thing, He will surely bring it to pass.

So I tarry and let the praying Spirit within brood over me.

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