Farm Animal

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Lying on the ground lazily expecting the next meal is not the way YESHUA designed your life to be.

For in the beginning YESHUA worked 6 days and rested on the seventh, so oh son of Man shouldn't you learn from your creator.

God created man in His own image and likeness, so man does not labour for his stomach alone but for something bigger.

Why then should you son of man spend your life on earth labouring just to feed your stomach.

You walk this life without a dream and purpose, waking up everyday and toiling till it's dark just to put a loaf of bread  in your stomach.

This is not the man YESHUA created in the beginning, the man YESHUA created does not live for bread alone but for the purpose and will of God.

Oh son of man you are created in the image and likeness of God, so packed full of value even the angels envy you.

But please don't fall to the place of a farm animal by working for food alone.

There is more to this life than daily bread, so many souls in bondage waiting for you to rise up oh son of man.

You are a light to the earth, a salt to give flavour in this tasteless world.

You are a city set on a hilltop that cannot be hidden, so rise up and take your place.

Don't roam this earth, toiling tirelessly day and night only for a loaf of bread just like a farm animal.

You are a god of this earth, so please don't lie in the dust like a farm animal.

I know the situations of life may be like a mountain blocking your path, but even the mountain is a platform to reach the nations.

Yeah!! I feel the pain that you feel oh son of man, but despite all the hardships we are more than conquerors through YESHUA.

We are joint heirs with Jesus Christ not farm animals.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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