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I am not a mistake, but the result of clay in the hands of an intentional Porter.

I am not an accident going somewhere to happen but the result of an intentional Creator.

YESHUA told me,  " Caleb before I formed thee in your mother's womb I knew thee and called you to be the pen of a ready writer in my Hands ".

God is intentional about my life, though I may be a script writer but my script has already been written by YESHUA.

I may get depressed sometimes but I have got a storehouse of eternal Joy in the Holy Ghost.

I may reject the me in the mirror, but the me in God's word is the true me.

I am not enough to myself but grace is sufficient for me.

I am weak in myself but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Everything made available to me by Intention.

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