knuckles x fem chaotix skit: this ones for you RaySphere99 and your friend

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this is an au by the way (also charmy will remain male and won't be in the harem for obvious reasons)

knuckles was sitting on angel island guarding the master emerald when suddenly four people appeared

knuckles: who are you and state your business

???: aww knuckie forgot us already

knuckles: wait the only people who call me that is...

knuckles saw them more clearly and smiled

knuckles: the chaotix hey what's up gals it's been years

mighty: oh nothin much knuckie

she then grabbed his arm

mighty: wow have you been working out?

knuckles: hah yeah I usually do

charmy: wait really i want to feel i want to feel

knuckles: whoa heh okay calm down 

chamry: whoa!, someday I'll be big and strong like you

knuckles: I'm sure you will

espio: so uh charmy mind if you go explore for a while we need to speak about adult things in private

charmy: huuhhh? okay!

he then flew off

vector: now that should keep him busy for a while what do ya say knuckie wanna do it just like the old times

knuckles smirked

knuckles: lets do it

. . .

they then played poker

(heheheh get your mind out of the gutter)

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