October 30, 2018

934 33 9

October 30th, 2018
7:23 am

Darling Addie,

An update on the whole situation with my buddy, so they didn't grant her full custody.

Just so you know he knows I'm telling you this, I wouldn't have said anything if he had a problem.

I don't want you to think that I'm not respecting his boundaries.

Like I said, my buddies over here actually like you.

Anyways she showed up to the court high off her ass. Court luckily noticed and kinda decided from that.

They said the visiting rights are up to my buddie. If he doesn't want her around or be able to see them then that's what's going to happen.

It's in his hands.

They also noticed all her other things on her record. She's not a good fit for a mother.

At least right now. Maybe she can get better but right now they are better off without her.

I won't be able to tell you tomorrow how happy Halloween. I don't know if that's a thing.

I have to agree with you that the system is very messed up.

They only care about money. That's their problem. Don't care about the people, only the money.

Always been like that.

They let kids get treated horribly. They don't care that some of these foster care systems don't care for the kids.

Pisses me off.

Without hesitation, I would dance with you in a heartbeat.

You should already know that.

I'd dance with you while the world is burning down and not give a damn. While making sure not a single flame touched you.

If that's what you wanted.

I'd dance with you in the freezing cold and not complain not one damn time.

Just because you wanted to dance.

Don't forget that my dearest Adeline.

I'm glad you and my sister get along. That's some good news.

My sister wasn't that good of friends with some of my other friends.

I wasn't worried at all. I knew she would love you.

You won't even tell me a little bit about what you guys talked about?


That's fine. I respect that.

As long as y'all aren't talking about me I'm good.

I definitely understand what you mean about walking around outside at night.

It's a sad world we live in.

Why don't they like going to the stores alone? If that's too personal I understand.

Well I hope since Abby is blushing she likes me. I wouldn't want her to not like me since well she's a part of you.

I'm always looking forward to your email. To be able to email you back.

I agree with every point you made about what you learned.

My last relationships have taught me a lot over the past years.

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