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Hey guys so, if you are reading this currently, congrats, you have come to an end of your adventure with all the Disney princesses and the secrets that they all have to offer.

There will be another book released on all the stories not related to Disney princesses soon so stay tuned for Mysteries of Disneyland book 2: Tale addition. The secrets behind Disney's inventive tales and the true stories and secrets they contain

Thank you for reading this lovely book and, stay safe!.

Love Thalia Grace.





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Okay so I'm going to answer some questions based on myself and I hope you can answer them as well!!
Let's go!

1. What's my real name?
Nah I'm not going to answer that one but online you can call me Thalia or Gracey if you want to talk to me.

2. What's my age?

Another question I will not answer , though you can guess it and I'll tell you whether you are right or wrong.

3. Where do I come from?

Well a beautiful, country called South Africa, though I'm an Indian .

4. My favourite food?

Mutton curry for supper, eggs for breakfast, though I don't eat beef and pork.

5. My favourite colour?

Blue or in specific, turquoise blue like the depths of the ocean. I find it mesmerizing .

6. What's my obsession with anime?

I absolutely love it!, And the only way you gonna know if you love it, is of you try it.

7. My motto in life ?

I have several, for starters

"Hurt me with the truth but never comfort me with a lie"- Erza Scarlet
My favourite, others come from the art of war and several other Japanese Idioms, and yes I love Japanese culture, it's fascinating.

8. Introvert or extrovert?.

To be truth full I only talk to people that I find interesting. So introvert. Though I can speak to people I don't know so extrovert there.

9. Short or tall?

I'm short but not to short , like average height.

10. My favourite subject?

I have 3 that I personally like and that is English, chemistry and biology ( or as we call it here life sciences)

Welp let me know in the comments about you as well and I'll answer more if you wanna ask, up till then , I hope you enjoyed this book

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