Part 2: Rescue

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"Umm... Tam? Are we there yet?" Keefe asked for the seventeenth time. Tam turned around with the expression of a person who was about to snap some necks.

"No Keefe. For the millionth time NO. I'm following a map from a random Neverseen member, in the middle of nowhere, to one of their most high security prisons. So no, we are not there yet, and we won't be for several more hours." Tam snarled. Keefe being back was great and all, but the man was driving him nuts, no matter how cute he was.

They were wandering through a slimy, sludgy tunnel deep under Atlantis. The walls were dirty, and the floor squelched beneath their feet; random branches and roots tripped them all along the way. The old Nightfall facility finally had some use, as it's old passages led to the Neverseen's new prison building. Where it was, they did not know. How they would get out, they also didn't know. All they knew was that their friends (or what was left of them) were down here, and they needed to find them. However, some things were a bit... distracting. Like how, thanks to the small size of the tunnel, him and Keefe were so close, Tam could feel his breath on the back of his neck. And the fact that their hands kept bumping into each other, which was really awkward because Keefe could almost certainly feel his emotions through the touch, and it really made the tension in the tunnel so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

Until Tam tripped up on a rouge branch and we would have fallen on his face, had Keefe's hand hadn't caught his own.


Well, Keefe couldn't let him fall in the mud, but there was definitely more there. He pulled Tam to his feet and looked him in the eyes. Tam then pulled away and kept trudging down the tunnel.

"What?" Keefe said, smirking. "Aren't you going to thank your wonderful, amazing, respectful boyfriend who has the best hair of any guy you've ever met." He pulled a ridiculous pose and smiled from ear to ear. Tam, however, gave him a death glare and kept on walking.

"Oh, c'mon Tammy boy, lighten up!" Keefe teased, slapping Tam across the back, yet even now, Keefe still whispered, and watched his tone. If he did something to Tam... "Ok, how does 'Mr Handsomehair love of my life' sound? or maybe..."

"SHUT UP KEEFE! JUST SHUT UP! DON'T YOU GET IT? EVERYBODY'S BEEN CAPTURED, PEOPLE ARE DEAD AND YOU'RE JOKING AROUND LIKE AN IDIOT!" Tam shouted, tears streaming down his face. His voice echoed down the corridor, bouncing along the walls. Keefe was taken aback. He was just joking, just trying to lighten the mood. But really, he was just as scared as Tam. He wrapped his arms around Tam, pulling him close and stroking his hair.

"Shh. It's ok. We'll find them, I promise." Keefe whispered, trying to reassure Tam. Then, a faint, distant voice called something from down the tunnel: "Tam?"


Linh. Tam pulled away from Keefe and sprinted down the hallway, stumbling and tripping in the mud as he called to his twin.

"LINH!" he cried, calling in all directions, "LIHN WHERE ARE YOU?"

"TAM!" she called back, her voice weak and far away, but there. Keefe was running behind Tam, barely keeping up. They ran down the tunnel for several more minutes before a big brown door loomed before them. Tam was tired and sweaty, but his face was set. Behind that door was his sister, and he needed to get to her, no matter what. Closing his eyes, Tam brought all his mental strength to his hands, and called down shadowflux. It seeped out of his fingers like pools of inks, cooling and soothing his hands. The shadowflux then creeped up the door to the enormous lock and sunk inside it. Tam felt a rush of energy pass through him, as the lock rusted and crumbled and cracked. Tam wrenched open the door and found...

Now you see me: A Keefe x Tam storyWhere stories live. Discover now