Part 5: Heal

198 4 8

15 years later


It was late evening, and the forest was alive. Lights and flowers hung from every branch, in shades of red, orange, yellow, blue and purple. Petals drifted from the trees and lay on the floor, illuminated by patches of the setting sun that peeked through the leaves. Fireflies and Butterflies flickered through the area, and the trees swayed gently in a cool breeze.  Seats, organised in rows, lined a petal covered aisle, which led to a stone archway, this too covered in lights and flowers. But nothing in the forest was more beautiful that the two elves that stood underneath the archway, the two elves to be married. 

One had wavy blonde hair, one eye covered, and a fiery red dress on. Her hair had little braids, and here one good eye was alight with joy. The other, had straight, black hair, tipped with silver, pale blue eyes, and a long, dark blue dress on. The two girls stood, hand in hand, while a tall, dark haired man joined them as one. Marella and Linh looked stunning, but to Keefe, only one elf caught his eye.

Tam was sat in the front row, Keefe next to him. Tam was wearing a black jerkin with silver details, which made his metal-tipped bangs pop. Keefe still hated it. He always had. Keefe meanwhile, wore an ice blue tunic, with gold details. His hair was still shoulder-length, but tied back and styled to perfection. Keefe and Tam were probably the second most stunning couple there. Well... Not quite

Sophie and Fitz sat on the other side of the aisle, hand in hand. Fitz, with all the Vacker flair, wore a white jerkin with a brown and gold sash, his perfect hair and complexion shining like a beacon. And Sophie... Sophie. Her gorgeous hair was braided into an intricate bun at the back of her head, and she wore a long, teal covered dress. Her beautiful eyes shone with joy, and the scars on her face only amplified her looks. Keefe knew he shouldn't, what with Tam, but he still really cared for her. After everything. But... she was engaged to Fitz, and he was dating Tam. Tam understood perfectly, and let Keefe pine knowing Sophie's mind and heart were set on Mr Golden Vacker. It made Keefe love him even more. 

"I now pronounce you, bound and married for all eternity." said Mr Forkle, closing the ceremony. Marella swept Linh into a kiss, and the whole party of guests stood up and clapped, Tam louder than anyone. The setting sun framed the two in a golden glow, and a burst of flowers appeared over their heads. Edaline snapped her fingers, and the chairs disappeared, leaving behind a petal covered dance floor. All the guests stepped to the side, as the music started, and the two newlyweds walked onto the dance floor, and began to dance. Slowly, other couples began filing onto the dance floor: Fitz and Sophie, Edaline and Grady, Kesler and Juline, Sandor and Grizel, and more. Keefe waited, until Tam held out his hand and said:

"I'm not gonna be the only one not dancing Keefe"


Keefe pulled Tam's hand, and pulled him onto the dance floor. The two held hands, and swayed to the music, Tam purposely going in the direction of Linh and Marella. He needed to talk to his sister, and his new sister-in-law of course. He went over to them, only to see his parents talking to Linh, pulling faces like they'd eaten something very sour. 

"I just don't think this is right for you dear, it's not normal" Tam's mom was saying, shaking her head at Marella. Oh no you don't Tam thought, and he ran over, dragging Keefe with him.

"Your mother is right Linh, it's bad enough with your brother and that unnatural Sencen bo- Tam!" Tam's father said, turning his sentence around as soon as he saw his son approaching. "How are you?" he asked, smiling like a shark about to bite off your head. "And... Mr Sencen. What a- pleasure" he said with barely hidden disgust.

"Stop pretending to care. Linh is happy, and I'm happy. Isn't that good enough for you?" Tam asked, gripping Keefe's hand tighter. How he hated them. They couldn't stop complaining at their daughter's wedding. Linh started to walk off, but Tam wasn't done. "You can't just accept us for once in your life. Once. Why you're even here if it's just to complain, I don't know. It's pathetic. Please, enjoy the food and the music, and keep your backwards opinions to yourself. Good day" and he walked off, leaving his parents unable to speak, and went to see his sister. 

"Linh! Are you ok?" Tam asked, approaching them. Marella had her arm around Linh's shoulder, and Linh looked miserable. Nope, not on his watch. "Ignore them Linh, you're the first female elves to get married, of course there would be some backwards morons, you knew this." 

"I know" Linh snuffled "I just... thought they'd be happy for me... for once" 

"Linh, look around. There is a whole party full of people who are happy for you. And no matter what, I'm not letting our good for nothing parents ruin our lives ever again." Tam said, looking his sister right in the eyes. 

"Come on Linh, Butterblasts always makes everything better" Marella said, and took her wife over to the food table. On their way out, Marella mouthed Thank you back at Tam, before turning back to Linh. 

"Umm... Tam?" Keefe asked tentatively "If you cling on that hard to my hand much longer, it might drop off" Tam, realising how hard he'd been holding on, loosened his grip. but didn't let go. He looked at his boyfriend and thought He really is my idiot. They held each other, and began dancing again. They shook some hands, had some conversations, and ate sweets until they were stuffed. A few hours later, the guests began leaving. First as a trickle, then a rushing river of "Good bye" s and "Congratulations" until it was only Linh, Marella, Tam and Keefe. Linh and Marella began collecting decorations and examining gifts, while Tam took Keefe deeper into the woods, until it was just them and the moon. 


They lay on the grass in a clearing, looking up at the stars. They didn't say much, but nothing needed to be said. The wind rustled through the forest, and the occasional firefly flickered through the clearing. Flowers peeked through the grass in all colours and sizes, and the two held hands, taking in the sights, and the smells as one, together. Tam was the first to break the silence.

"Keefe, I need to ask you something" he said, sitting up, worry visible in his eyes. Keefe wondered what was up, sitting up to face him. Tam took a deep breath before continuing "I... I really love you Keefe, more than anyone I've ever loved before. And I have to ask... Would you- would you like to be the first guy to marry another guy?" Tam was sweating, his hands shaking. Keefe couldn't speak, only stutter. Was Tam really asking?

"Do- are you... Do you mean?" Keefe spluttered, unable to form a sentence. 

"Keefe Sencen, will you marry me?" 

And there was only one answer that Keefe could give. 

Now you see me: A Keefe x Tam storyWhere stories live. Discover now