Epilogue: Legatum

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A few years ago, Exile had claimed several more victims. Criminals, rebels, broken souls. At first, most screamed, begged, cried, etc. It went on and on, their cries echoed down the endless passages. After some time though, they went silent. Their cries turned to calls, and their calls turned to pleads, and their pleads turned to hoarse whispers, until nothing was left but empty shells. It always happened in the end, to every prisoner within the hell hole that was Exile. 

All but one.

The guards would whisper about her, the elf in cell 1910. About her screams that would never stop, no matter what they did. Rumours spread like the Everblaze, such ridiculous things like she was a rebel leader, that she captured the elven council, and that her own son was the one to trap her in the endless nightmare. Well, Orean, the newest addition to the dwarven guard, had no time for such foolish antics. Fanciful tales about the surface dwellers were of no concern to him. How could such things pertain him? No sir, no way. Why, he was going to patrol right past prisoner 1910 now, and prove just how childish these stories were. He couldn't hear anything from that room, it must all be nonsense. He might as well take a look at the perfectly ordinary prisoner in there. Yet peeking through the glass, Orean saw no one. The cell was deserted. Panic and pandemonium erupted all throughout exile, and a ripple of fear spread through all the dwarves. 

Someone had escaped. 

They scoured the whole place, every nook and cranny of the horrid prison, but not a trace was found of prisoner 1910. At first, the general consensus was to spread the word, and tell the elves. But, as they were called to the supervisor, he swore them to secrecy, to never tell a soul about the escapee.

The elves must never know. 

The end of the day came, and the night shifters swapped with the day ones. Every dwarf got the pass to go in by another. Except for one. Skara, a night shifter, would usually swap with the day shifter Orean. He wasn't there. 

Orean was thousands of kilometres above Skara, and he was dead. He'd served his purpose, and allowed prisoner 1910 to reach the surface. Under the threat of his family's death, he'd let the witch of an elf up to the surface, and freedom. There she stood, atop a high mountain that looked down upon Eternalia. How they would pay for wronging her. Fifteen years in Exile may have done irreparable damage to Gisela Sencen, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. 

"Now they will see me, as they haven't before"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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