Part 3: Cadmean Victory

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It was all over. The battle was won. The rolling hills on the outskirts of Eternalia were soaked with blood and loss, but victory was theirs. Yet to Keefe, it didn't feel like a victory. Sure, the Neverseen was vanquished, either captured or dead, but the losses they had suffered were too great to ignore. Because when Sophie was being nursed on the field, after shattering Fintan, Gethen and Trix's consciousnesses using only her mind and paying the price with her own; when Marella was being carried to Elwin with blood leaking from her eye like a thick, oozing river; and when Fitz was trapped in a constant, mental torture, it was hard to feel victorious. Him and Tam were only standing because of their abilities, scary as they were. 

Keefe stood at the top of one of the hills overlooking Eternalia, with Tam firmly at his side. The boys job was to watch over their Neverseen prisoners, until the Goblins came. It was a tedious and boring job, especially when they knew their friends were in varying states of pain and hospitalisation. And yet, he had Tam, so all was well.

The boys hadn't exactly affirmed what their relationship was, what with the war and all, but they knew that now, no matter what, they had each other. Tam reached for Keefe's hand, and they stood there, overlooking the blood-soaked battlefield. Keefe could feel Tam's emotions spiking everywhere. Of course, there was anger, sadness, pain, and loss; but he could feel hope, satisfaction and caring. And that was all he needed to feel. 

"Keefe" Tam said, stuttering a little "I'm - I'm so glad I found you. You have no idea" 

"I think I do" he replied smugly, reaching behind Tam's head and pulling him into a kiss. They stood there for a good minute, taking each other in and holding tight. Whatever pain, loss, or guilt they had been feeling, were tucked safely to the back of their minds for now, and all they had were each other. 

As they pulled away, Keefe saw Tam's pale eyes drift towards the line of prisoners to their left, and a look of concern crossed his face.

"Keefe?" He asked anxiously "Where is you mom?"

Three things happened all at once: a shadow loomed behind Tam, he let out a quick gasp, and the blade of a knife came through the right side of his back.


So this is what dying felt like. Tam had felt the knife slice through him, and the pain stung him like a wasp sting. But the pain didn't stop, it just grew, and grew until he was screaming in agony. He could feel something being drawn from him, but from the pain it might as well had been his organs that were being sucked out of him. His vision blurred over, and he collapsed into someone's arms, feeling them carry him to the ground. Who it was he couldn't remember. There was nothing. No feeling, no memory, no thought besides pain. Pain so excruciating, he wanted it to end, anything to make it end. Even death would be suitable at this point, there was nothing but pain. Tan Song was dying, and he was glad of it.

Until he heard, as if from a distance, a voice calling to him "TAM!" it screamed, in anguish and pain. Keefe, I have to help Keefe. It was the only thing he could think at that moment, that name. Keefe, Keefe, Keefe. Tam could only summon one more thought.

Tam Song was not going to die in Keefe's arms. Not yet. 


"TAM!" Keefe screamed holding Tam's face in his hands, as they lay on the grass, Tam's breathing slowing, his heart beating less. "CMON TAM WAKE UP! PLEASE DON'T-"
"Oh shut up, Keefe" said a cold, high voice above him. Keefe looked up to see his mother, standing above him, a sinister smirk on her face. "You need to face you lega-"

"NO!" Keefe shouted, his mom stopping dead in her tracks, unable to move, but perfectly able to speak. "You will NOT ruin my life any more that you have already." Keefe lay Tam on the ground, still writhing and screaming, and stood up. "You've taken EVERYTHING from me, but you're not taking any more." Keefe's pupils and iris shrank until only the whites remained, glowing a faint, ice blue. 

"KEFFE!" his mom screamed, sweating and shaking, cowering in fear of what she had created. "KEEFE! Remember I did this for you, for our le-"

"Do you know what it's like?" Keefe asked, looking directly at his mom " To watch someone you love dying in your arms?"

"Keefe wait. I can-"

"Mom?" he said, smiling calmly "It feels like this"



Tam heard the words from far off, his only warning before the screaming started. So terrible, so mortifying, it almost brought him back to his senses. That only happened when a sharp pain in his side sliced through him. He felt something being drawn out, and the sucking, slicing pain stopped, but the lingering pain remained. Slowly, his vision began to to return, and he could see Keefe's face swimming into view. Sure, his eyes were glowing, and he was crying, but Tam was overjoyed to see him. And tired. So tired.


Pulling out the knife was the hardest part. It was glowing like lumenite, and shadows were pouring out of Tam, through the knife. It seemed to be sucking out his ability, and causing him unbearable pain in the process. The leftover shadows that had been pouring out of him, skittered across the grass and disappeared. Keefe threw the knife aside and lifted Tam's face into his hands. His pale eyes were slowly flickering open, to gaze up at Keefe.

"T- Tam?" he whispered, barely believing it.

"Yea, I'm here" Tam slurred, barely conscious "Damn that hurt"

Keefe laughed, tears of joy slipping onto his face. Tam tried to laugh, but winced in pain. The wound in his side was bleeding heavily, dark red blood seeping into the grass. 

"Keefe, I'm tired. Can I sleep now?" Tam asked softly, like a child before bed. His eyes flickered, and he became limp. No. That was Keefe's only thought. He couldn't loose Tam, not now, not after everything. 

"Tam! Tam please stay awake! Tam? TAM? AWAKE!"

And he was awake, his breathing speeding up and his eyes snapping open. Keefe reached into his cape and pulled out his pathfinder. Eyes glowing, tears streaming, he held it up to the light, and carried the two of them away. 

Leaving Lady Gisela writhing and screaming on the floor. 

Now you see me: A Keefe x Tam storyWhere stories live. Discover now