Part 4: Lingering

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Keefe had been there for about a week. He hadn't moved except to shower, and use the toilet. Otherwise, he stayed by Tam's bedside at the healing centre all day, and at night he slept in a bed next to him. Because Keefe blamed himself for this. For Tam nearly loosing his ability, for Tam nearly dying. Elwin had told a heartbroken Linh and Keefe, that he wouldn't be up for several more weeks, and that he may never use his ability again. So they stayed, not moving from Keefe's bedside. Linh slept during the day, and Keefe at night, so there was always someone next to him. Sophie, who'd recovered surprisingly quickly, could do or say nothing to move Keefe. Not Fitz, finally freed from his mental torture by Sophie, or Biana, or Wylie, or Marella, , or Mr Forkle, or his father. Because if Tam woke up, and Keefe wasn't there... Keefe wouldn't be able to forgive himself. 

3 weeks after the battle, sun was creeping through the curtains of the healing centre. Linh was already asleep in a bed on the other side of the room, and Keefe had just woken up. He sat himself down in his normal seat by Tam's bed and began stroking his hair. His fingers brushed the cold, silver metal on his bangs, and trailed down to his eyes and cheeks. 

"Still here?" Elwin asked from across the room, he had just walked in, and was pulling off his coat. 

"Yeah" Keefe replied, not taking his eyes off Tam. 

"You know, I loved a boy once. He was my whole world, and we loved each other. But- We couldn't tell anyone. It was too dangerous. So, we grew apart. He married another elf, she was really nice, and I went to their wedding. But- I never got over it. I lived in a world where that was impossible, unthinkable. But you have the chance to love him, now in this new world you've made. So... I just want to say I get it. I understand. But he might never wake up, and if he doesn't. Well, you've got to try and move on." tears filled Elwin's eyes, and he rushed into his office. Keefe didn't care though. He knew Tam would wake up, he could feel it. Keefe reached over to Tam's hands, and held them tight. He closed his eyes, and imagined sending breezes of emotion through Tam, like he used to do with Sophie. He felt a cooling sensation trickling through his fingers, and thought over and over: please wake up, please wake up, please wake up.

Keefe had sat there for over an hour, doing the same routine. Elwin came over at the 90 minute mark.

"Keefe, for the sake of everyone in the building, get a shower. Tam's still gonna be here if you leave for five minutes. Come on." Elwin pulled Keefe to his feet, and took him towards the bathroom. Until they heard a voice behind them, barely a whisper. 



At first, it was just darkness. Tam was in a dreamless sleep, comfortable, yet with a haunting feeling he was stuck somewhere. The feeling grew over the weeks, until his consciousness was on fire trying to break free, with no success. That was, until he felt a cool, blue breeze flow through his mind. His calmed is flaming brain, and began to bring him back. He could see the walls of his mental prison now, drawing ever closer. He could see a door, and the breeze had brought him the key. He stepped through, and into the light. 


Because it was him. His long, no longer greasy hair was tied in a knot at the back of his head, and his ice-blue eyes were ringed with black, but he was there. As soon as Tam called his name he whipped around, and his hurt face lit up with delight. 

"Tam!" he cried, running towards him. Tam pushed himself up and leaned against the backboard of the bed, as Keefe ran over and wrapped his arms around Tam. The two boys stayed right there, embracing in the early morning sun. Tam peeked over Keefe's shoulder, and saw Elwin leaning against the back wall, tears streaming down his face. Yet there was a smile on his lips, nodding when Tam saw him. Keefe let go, him to crying with a smile. It was annoying.

"Keefe. Please. I am not in the mood for you being a crybaby" Tam crossed his arms and smirked. Keefe cried harder. 

"I- I just really missed you" Keefe blubbered, wiping his eyes. Tam sighed, and ruffled Keefe's hair. 

"Aww, you're cute when you let down your guard" Tam teased. Keefe smiled, and sighed. "So... What happened?" Tam asked

"Well... Everyone's ok! No one else... I mean everyone recovered." Keefe stuttered, flashing back to the horrors of the healing centre that fateful day. "And Linh's also ok! She's over there." Keefe nodded towards Linh, still snoozing gently. Tam made to get up, but Keefe pushed him back down. "You're too sick to get up yet, you just woke up! Don't wake her anyway, this is first time she's slept in a week." Tam knew Keefe was right, and laid back down. 

"Everything is going to change now" Tam said, voicing what both boys had been thinking, because everything was going to change. Sure, the neverseen were gone, and the Lost Cities were saved, but something felt wrong. Everyone was scarred, not just physically, and they may never recover. The main question was What now? It was so baffling, no one really had an answer. 

"Yes." Keefe replied, choosing his words carefully. "But... Is that really a bad thing?"

"No, definitely not" Tam chuckled, reaching behind Keefe's head and pulling him into a kiss.

Now you see me: A Keefe x Tam storyWhere stories live. Discover now