Chapter Seven: Best Left Unspoken

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"You're kidding right? You want me to go out with this?"

Hirose shrugged indifferently, and I twisted the hem of my dress nervously as we confronted my date for the evening. I guess I wasn't the only one left in the dark with a lack of full details. "That was the plan."

Kitaoji scowled at me, and I wasn't afraid to shoot back a glare of my own. Celebrity or not, I wasn't going to sit here and let him treat me like dirt. Finally after a few seconds of heated looks his shoulders deflated and he whined, "...This sucks."

"Yeah well, I'm not jumping for joy either." I grumbled, crossing my arms.

"Now now, don't say that. If all goes well..." Hirose leaned forward to whisper something in the actor's ear. When he pulled away Kitaoji had a look that was a mix of astonishment and doubt. What did he tell him?

"For real?"

"Of course. Have I ever lied to you?"

"All the damn time, moron."

Hirose only laughed this off before placing a hand on my shoulder and guiding me towards Kitaoji. With a huff he took hold of my wrist and started pulling me towards the exit. "Fine whatever. Come on editor, we're leaving."

"What? Already?"

"Yes already, now step it up! I hate women who drag their feet."

In a desperate attempt to escape an evening I knew wouldn't go well, I glanced behind me at the author who was watching me being dragged off with an amused look. I mouthed the words, 'help me', but he just smirked. "Have a lovely evening, Sil." he taunted just before the library door closed in my face.


Kitaoji didn't go very far for the location of our date. In fact, it was still within the Casino, but it was a small member's only bar for famous people on the ground floor. Soft jazz music was being played from a live band in the corner, and the atmosphere felt calm, classy, and relaxing. There were a few other members with us as well; some I recognized and some I didn't. Kitaoji flashed his ID to the bouncer at the entrance and said I was with him. I had to be patted down -which was probably the second most violating thing that's happened to me all day- before I was even allowed past the door frame.

When we finally sat down at the far end of the bar, a bartender came up to us from the other side of the counter. He was a tall fellow with spiked up brown hair and pretty violet eyes. He was actually really cute. "Welcome Mr. Kitaoji," he bowed politely.

"Hey, Jan."

"Would you like to be served in the usual room?"

He shook his head. "No, the counter will work fine, thanks."

The bartender nodded. "As you wish." Never have I heard someone speak so formally in a bar. It's surprisingly a nice change. He looks like a butler or something.

I swiveled in my stool to look at the actor. "Usual room?"

Kitaoji also spun around and pointed to some doors where the sound of laughter and other noises I couldn't quite place were heard. "The VIP room of course." He turned back around and Jan was in front of us once again. "I'll have my usual. What about you?"

It took me a second to realize he was talking about drinks. "Oh, I'll have a Cosmopolitan please."

"You look like the type that would have the fruity drinks." Kitaoji stated afterwards.


We were silent for a little bit as I watched Jan mix our drinks with quick skill and almost a graceful manner. Soon I had a martini glass pushed towards me with a light pink liquid swirling inside. As some sort of bonus he stuck a cherry on a toothpick and placed it in my drink with an adorable smile flashed in my direction. So cute!

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