Chapter Eleven: The Best Policy

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"Well, that was fun. A good meal and an interesting conversation."

"Uh, yeah."

The rest of the dinner on the cruise went fantastic and was quite filling. It even took me a couple minutes to recover after the desert I couldn't turn down because I wasn't sure I was able to walk. By the time we had finished eating, the ship was in the process of turning around to head back to Roppongi docks. In the meantime, Hirose suggested that we go outside and enjoying the view while we still had the chance.

While that sounded like a good idea, but there was one little issue that I had realized once we stepped out.

I had never been one for getting on boats ever since I could remember. I would get a terrible case of seasickness and start up-heaving any contents in my stomach the second I was on anything on water. But the cruise ship was slow and calm and didn't upset my body like I was scared it would have. And the thoughts of my seasickness had never come up until right now. I found it strange. Had everything on this cruise line distracted me so much that I had forgotten? I confided in Hirose about how I hadn't been concerned over this issue. He had simply smirked and remarked that I had been so wrapped up with him that the thought never came to mind. I rightfully disagreed with a sneer, and the subject changed.

In fact, there had been a lot of subject changes. It seemed like every time a conversation ended, Hirose would bring up another question and urge me to answer with curious eyes. It was hard to say no to him, so I ended up blabbing on and on over small trivial matter that I didn't think mattered all that much. Regardless, Hirose took great interest in everything I said. Time seemed to fly by the longer I talk until we were finally back on land.

Our walk back down the familiar streets was surprisingly quiet, so I took the time to reflect on dinner. And not just the food.

Well... I had been teased a lot while we were eating, but I would be lying if I said I hadn't enjoyed myself just a little. This is the most successful mock date I've ever had. I didn't expect Hirose to treat a lady so nicely. He might be showing a side I've never seen on him before... Or maybe not? It's hard to tell whether or not he's being honest about who he is.

"What's wrong, Sil? You look confused." I felt an arm bump against my shoulder, and it startled me out of my head. I glanced up at Hirose, who looked amused at how hard I was thinking.

"Oh. I was just thinking about dinner and how much I talked today. My voice is a little hoarse." I replied while rubbing a hand to my neck. It felt a little scratchy, and swallowing hurt almost. "I talked way too much today. Sorry."

He waved this off. "It's not entirely your fault. I did ask a lot of questions."

Sounds like he's attempting an apology. I think.

I dropped my arm and shifted them to both be behind my back, my purse bouncing off my legs with each step I took. "I think you should talk about yourself some, too. To even it out."

Hirose shrugged and folded his arms over his broad chest. He was silent as we halted in our steps to wait for the signal to cross the street. While cars flew right by us, I heard him mutter, "Oh, so I take it you don't want to go back yet then?"

I didn't have to turn my head to know that he was smiling in that usual mischievous way he did. "Eh?"

"In that case, where shall we go from here? Perhaps a place where we can be alone together?" Hirose grinned at me, and I frowned in return.

"That's not what I meant when I said-"

Before I could finish my sentence, the light on the other side of the street changed and Hirose had me by the arm, pulling me along. Of course I yelled at him to slow down and demanded to know where we were going, but I never got a clear answer.

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