Chapter Ten: Out At Sea

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Today was the day of the third mock date within the first few weeks I started working for Ryoichi Hirose, the famous 'God of Romance Novels', to get a serial story from him to publish in the magazine line I worked for; Cinderella. My first mock date was with a cranky actor who seemed more concerned for his well-being than for others. My second mock date was with a strange F1 racer who couldn't hold a decent conversation to save his life. This day I was to spend my entire evening with the very author I worked with, and who I was more familiar with for the story.

That didn't stop me from completely dreading it.

"Sil!" Fuko Yano, my best friend and fellow Cinderella worker called, bouncing over to my office space with a broad grin stretched across her face. I had my nose buried deep in a book when she arrived, so I wouldn't have realized she was there had she not yelled my name. I placed the novel face down on my desk and turned to smile at her.

"Hey, what's up?"

She rocked back and forth on her heels, arms tucked behind her. "I was just wondering if you had some time to spare for your hungry friend. It's been a while since we've had dinner together."

I gave a quick subtle glance to my literature. "Sorry, I'm a little busy this afternoon." I lied. She had to offer food when I just getting to the good part?

Fuko's bottom lip jutted out, her pouting face making me feel a tad guilty for ditching her over some silly romance novel. "Bah, you're no fun." She was just about to turn her back to me when I saw her eyes flicker to my book. "Hey, what's this?"

"Wait, Fuko!"

Before I could stop her she had my book in her grasp and started reading the page I was on out loud. I shot up from my seat to snatch it back, but she fended me off by placing her hand on my face as I struggled against her strength. I had always been a few inches taller then Fuko so I had the advantage of height, but unlike me, she actually liked to exercise. "'The tracing hand slid along the contours of her face, felt along her jaw, and finally drew close to her sighing lips...'"

"Stop it!" I reached out and managed to forcefully take away my possession from her, my cheeks burning with embarrassment since almost all our co-workers were staring at us.

"What the heck are you reading?" she laughed.

"N-nothing!" I stuttered, using my hand to hide the book cover from her sight. I did not want her to know I had been reading one of Hirose's books when I was suppose to be working. Chief had stepped out of the office and... well everyone needed a break from time to time. I hated that I was so addicted to his books, but I liked them long before I actually met him in person. I couldn't stand Hirose half the time, but his novels were way too good to not read, and that made me mad.

Fuko rolled her big yellow eyes. "Whatever, ya weirdo. Anyways, why can't you come eat with me? Are you working overtime today or something?"

"...Yeah." I said, averting my gaze away from hers. I didn't like lying to Fuko, but if she knew I was going on a date later with Hirose she would never let me hear the end of it, regardless if it was fake or not. She seemed to think it was fate that I was working with Hirose, and had somehow gotten in her head that I had some secret crush on the guy.

Which was a lie, if my actions and choice of words directed towards him weren't obvious enough up to this point.

"Well if that's the case then I think it's high time I spend a romantic evening with my stud, Riki." She rubbed her hands together and a mischievous smile crossed her face.

"What happened to Minato?" I chuckled.

"Oh, that was over before it even started."

"You were with him for six months, Fuko."

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