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Hi everyone, SillySil here. I hope everyone has been well. I know I haven't updated my profile or anything in a long while, but I'm always checking and lurking around lol Thanks for all the follows and those who have added this story to their lists, it means a lot <3

Earlier today, Voltage announced that due to it's age, the Seduced in the Sleepless City app will be taken out of the app store by September 4th 2017 since further updates to phone devices wont be able to support it. (Which is BS since the Japanese version is an updated version that they could copy over, but whatever, I don't run the company.) After the date above, if you have the app downloaded still, all the stories will be free to read until the server shuts down sometime in 2018.

Honestly, it's awful news. I won't get too into my own personal thoughts about it, but it really drives the nail into the coffin that Voltage does not care for the older titles anymore. SitSC is and will always remain my favorite, and I'm very glad I have Sleepless Nights to remind myself of all the great memories I have with this game and these characters. Which brings me to the main purpose for this small update.

It's been a thought in my head for quite a while, but I've been itching to revamp Sleepless Nights. It's a precious story to me, but I was working on it during high school where I had less experience and little time to put in as much effort as it deserved. So now, with a little more free time on my hands, and renewed incentive to give these characters proper attention, I want to revive the story. It'll still be the novelization of Ryoichi's Main Story, but I made the mistake of sticking too close to the game and not adding enough original ideas. And what I did have wasn't that greatly written to begin with, let's be honest. I'm wiser and have been brainstorming for quite a while since I finished the story. I would love to rewrite it.

So, please, I heavily encourage feedback. I only write for those who read, and your comments and likes would be greatly greatly greatly appreciated. Please let me know your thoughts, if you'd like the story of Silvia and Ryoichi to return. Not to mention, I still have the sequel and third installment completely outlined, along with the side stories. A revival will encourage more new content!

Let me know, please. Don't be shy! Like I said, I write for those who want to read. Thanks for reading, and thank you for your support!


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