Be Alright

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Meep. Sorry I haven't updated in ages... :/ I have tests this week but now I just can't be bothered. I don't know what to write you know? :(


Lily's POV

"SOMEONE GET ME THE DOCTOR!!" Liam screamed loudly squatting down next to Gretel. 

"What was she doing here anyway?!" I shouted at Danielle who stood there shocked.

"I- I- I was with her, then she suddenly ran off and I tried to catch up with her but I tripped and fell and I couldn't catch up with her" she explained.

"Do you mean to say that you couldn't run after a 6 YEAR OLD GIRL?!" I screamed.

"GUYS! We have more pressing matters right now. So STOP BICKERING LIKE TWO OLD AUNTS!" Justin shouted breaking up our argument.

I looked at Justin. He was in tears and looked as if he was about to break any minute. Kate looked the close to the same. I sensed that Jake and Kim were around but they just stood there. 

 We soon heard the sound of the ambulance pull up and the paramedics take Gretel away on a stretcher. When they had gone, silence befell the room.

"Well I'm off to see her" Justin sniffed hastly wiping his tears away with the back of his hand. 

"I'm going too" Kate said standing up with Justin.

"Okay then we'll ALL just go" I said enunciating the 'all'.

"Now wait a minute. You aren't going anywhere without getting past us" Kim grinned evilly.

"Well looks like we will Kimbo so byers!" Erica smiled cheerfully and brushed past Kim but I saw her roll her eyes as soon as Kim wasn't paying attention to her.

We all followed after Erica, me being last and I turned around just before the door and faced our enemy.

“Kim. We became good friends and I know Charlie loved you. But along the way, you changed. He changed as well. I guess that’s when things didn’t start to work out between you two.” I paused and sighed. “I know there is someone out there that is the one for you. You can’t keep chasing after the same guy otherwise you won’t find him. Go out there and look” I smiled softly at her and turned back round to leave but was faced with a closed door. What the-

“You really thought you could escape?” Jake laughed and stepped in front of the door producing a key and locking the door.

“Erm… you do know that you don’t need the key to lock the door right?” I told him.

“Yes I know.” Jake snapped.

“Jake, maybe we should just let her go” Kim said.

At that, Jake whipped his head round to look at Kim who cowered at his glare.

“You want to let her go?” Jake whispered softly, his voice deadly in the room.

Kim didn’t reply but just stood there shaking in fear.

“You little piece of-“ Jake took two long strides to her and raised his arm, about to hit her, before I reacted. 

“NO!!” I shouted and ran to protect Kim, my friend.

I closed my eyes ready for the impact that was sure to come but it never came.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Erica holding Jake in a headlock.


How on earth did Erica, of all people get here?! 

"BRING IT ON!!" she screamed her face turning purple. 

Before I knew it, she had a hammer in her hand (Don't ask me where that came from) and before I had time to even blink, she started to hammer blows at Jake’s head. 

“THIS IS FOR GRETEL” she hammered the first blow. 

“THIS IS FOR EVER THINKING OF HURTING LILY” she hammered the second blow.

“THIS IS FOR EVER EXISTING” she hammered the third blow.

“THIS IS FOR WASTING MY LOVELY HOLIDAY” she hammered the fourth and what I was kinda hoping, last blow.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I loved how Erica was hammering blows at Jake’s head and he was in pain. But the whole scene just didn’t look right.

“GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!” Erica went on a full rampage, raining blows to Jake’s head everywhere until I could barely see her arms as they were moving at such a high speed.

She stopped a few minutes later and panted heavily looking down at her bloody, victim. 

"Is he... dead?" I whispered fearfully.

Erica just nodded mutely, her face an emotionless mask, and walked off.

Kim and I just stared after her, then looked back at Jake's body.

"What do we do with him?" I whispered unable to talk at a normal volume.

Kim just shook her head and followed Erica.

I started to get a bit scared being with a dead man alone in the room (for some reason all of Jake's "friends" you could call them, had disappeared), so I left and followed the two of them.

We walked up the stairs, and into one of the rooms where a window was open. I saw Erica climb through and daintily land on the ledge outside before gracefully jumping off and landing on the ground a few metres below.

She stepped back to let us copy her actions which we did with much less grace.

We still weren't talking to each other. What was there to say? Erica had just killed a man. He wasn't innocent, but he still was a man. 

I sighed and looked at Erica. I was shocked to see tears streaming down her cheeks getting faster by the second.

I am never good at these kind of situations. So I awkwardly hugged her and whispered that everything was fine and that it wasn't her fault, she was protecting me and everyone else, and that it was all over at  least. 

When we had gotten to the tour bus, everyone was waiting for us with worried looks on their faces. 

"OH MY GOD THANK GOODNESS!" Charlie shouted running up to us. 

I let out a sob and embraced him in a hug I so desperately needed. 

I felt a warm, familiar arm wrap around my waist and a voice whispering that everything was fine and that I was safe now. That everything was going to be alright.

And at that moment, I felt that everything was going to be alright. Oh how wrong I was.

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